Yeast Infection or Impetigo: Elmo

3 articles

Really Really Bad Diaper Rash!!!!!!!!!! Please Help ASAP!!!!!

A.M. asks from Dallas

my daughter is 14 months old and I have been battling with off and on diaper rash. I have tried everything. I have took her to her doctor and she gave me medicine an...


How to Deter 2 Yr Old Daughter from 'Self-gratification'.

T.C. asks from Bloomington

At about 1 yr old, my daughter started grinding against her car seat buckle and the piece that goes between her legs on her high chair. I did some research and found...


19 Month Old HATES Bathtime

J.M. asks from Denver

Just recently, in the last 3 weeks, my daughter of 18.5 months hates taking a bath. She screams, cries, stands up, and won't get in without us physically making her ...