Arts & Crafts: Cariboo

Results 1-10 from 12 articles

Simple Question About Games

T.H. asks from Minneapolis

Just wondering if anyone had recommendations for board games or similar for 2 1/2 year olds. So far we have tried Candyland, and while my daughter knows her colors...


Gift Idea for 3 Yr Old Girl

A.M. asks from Peoria

Help. We got invited to a birthday party for a little girl who my son goes to daycare with. I am not sure how much would be appropriate to spend and with having boy...


Seeking Ideas for Games, Crafts and Activities for Kids 10 and Younger

R.S. asks from Minneapolis

I am hosting an open house style event next week geared towards kids under 10, anywhere from babies on up. We have lots of treats and prizes, but would like to have ...


What Are 5 Yo Girls Into?

L.C. asks from Chicago

We are going to a 5 year old girls bday party and i have 2 boys, so im not sure what 5 yo girls like. Are they into Dora? What kind of toys do they like? Barbies? ...


Gift Ideas for a 3 Year Old Boy

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

My DS is turning 3 in September and family members are starting to ask for gift ideas. Currently he is into fire trucks and firemen, but I am not sure how long that w...


Good Gifts for a 3 Year Old Boy?

C.G. asks from Los Angeles

i'm looking for some good, educational gift ideas for my son this year. he's 3 years old and loves cars, trucks, dinosaurs, sports and the like, but i'm hoping to exp...


Ideas for Gifts for a Three Year Old

M.S. asks from Philadelphia

My twin girls are turning three soon. Every year my family asks for ideas on what to get them for their birthday. Any good ideas I can suggest?


Christmas Gifts for a 3 Year Old

N.S. asks from Grand Rapids

I saw someone else ask this about their 7 y\o, so I got to thinking. Chritmas really isn't that far away and I have no idea what to get our daughter. She is 3 y\o and...


Question for Stay at Home Moms

J.K. asks from Allentown

Just curious how often you sit down and play with your toddler in a typical day? What kind of activities do you do? Is your toddler a good independent player?


Looking for Some Good Board-type Games for Young Kids

J.C. asks from Roanoke

I am looking for some good games for my 4 1/2 and 2 YOs to play with me. I know the 2 YO probably won't be able to do much yet. We have Candyland, Chutes and Ladder...