Photo by: Doortoriver

Never Underestimate The Joys Of A Public Bathroom With Two Kids

by Alex Iwashyna of "Late Enough"
Photo by: Doortoriver

As an avid caffeine drinker and a mother of two young children, I spend an exorbitant amount of time in the bathroom (mostly trying to shirk my parenting duties).

So I’m sharing some public bathroom tips to at least give you the heads up to not touch me or my children post-pee.

Public Bathrooms, Children Edition

Tip #1: If someone can watch your children while you run into the bathroom, ASK. Unless your children are acting up and you tend to take a long time peeing. Then the person will think you jumped out the window. And will catch you halfway out when they come looking for you.

Tip #2: Ask the people in the bathroom if they’re waiting. They may be fixing their hair. Enjoying the free soap. Singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. AND STILL WAITING FOR A STALL. If you cut in front of them, they will hate you forever. (FOREVER you old biddy.)

Tip #3: If the stall doors do not lock, you cannot use it. I REPEAT. DO NOT USE THE BROKEN STALL. You need one hand for wiping, one hand for wrangling the children, one hand for keeping the door closed. Since you presumably only have TWO hands, you are left giving your fellow bathroom mates a full-frontal.

Tip #4: The baby seat provided will not have a working buckle and will be located as far from the toilet as possible. So let go of your germ phobias and put the baby on the ground. The whole ordeal will go much faster if you put the child down. And if they aren’t mobile, balance them on the baby bag. If they are, sing and coo from your porcelain throne. And hope that the kid doesn’t crawl into the stall next to you because this may shock the woman in the other stall. Enough for her to miss. Then you’ve got more than hands to wash.

Tip #5: Post-bathroom crawl you will have to choose whose hands to wash, yours or your babies. And you have five seconds before your oldest child leaves the bathroom with your stall buddy who peed on your kin. Choose the baby. As the adult, you are slightly less likely to put your hands in your mouth. And you can always tell yourself and the strangers around you that you will use hand sanitizer afterward. But you won’t. You’ll forget while the baby cries because her hands are wet and the other kid says: I have to pee NOW, Mama.

You’re welcome. Although after writing this I thought: WHO NEEDS TIPS ON PUBLIC BATHROOM USE? And then I realized. The answer was me.

This post is written by Alex Iwashyna, a happily married mom with a BA in Political Philosophy and a Medical Degree and the drive to become neither. She blogs at Late Enough mostly about life, parenting, marriage, politics, culture, religion, and her inability to wake up in the morning and not hate everyone. Find her on Twitter or Facebook, too.

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Love it! It is always an adventure going to the bathroom with your kids. My worst moment was when my potty training daughter was in the busy airport bathroom with me and yells at the top of her lungs "MOMMY WENT POOPIE!! GOOD GIRL!!!!" I was glad to help some travelers find some humor to their day. Really I was.

the public bathroom is SOOO crazy, especially when I have all 3 of my kids. Luckily I don't have to go all that often when we are out, if I do I take the whole cart in with me or get an empty one and put all the kdis in and then either take them into the big handicap stall with me or leave them in the cart right outside the door while taking my 4 year old in the stall with they will inevitably have to pee too!
I can not help but have to wash everyones hands.....

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I have twin daughters who are teenagers now but when they were younger they were afraid of "automatic" potties. We went to a lighthouse and statue and tide pool area of California once and while visiting the gift shop the girls had to go. The bathroom was in a trailer, and the girls did not want to cooperate. The three of us were in the larger stall and i was fighting them with everything i had to keep them in and on the potty...

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The worst is when you have an infant, no carrier, car seat, or stroller and your toddler is potty training and has to go. While you balance your toddler, try to get toilet paper for her and help her wipe, what do you do with the baby? Oh, and when you have a new walker into everything and your first child still needs lots of help on the adult toilets.

I enjoyed! Hilarious and COMPLETLY true! I have 3 girls all under
5, I admit to putting the baby on the floor so that I can pee.
And sometimes all three
are told to sit! Best option is to have 5 y.o. 'hold' the 10 m.o
then I have a chance to wipe! :)

"humans would have died off long ago if potty germs were lethal"! Thank you, Amy, for that comment!

I refused to force my daughter to view the world passively while strapped into a child containment device (stroller). That means she crawled on and under, touched, and likely tasted whatever interested her. She is, and always has been, the healthiest kid I know.

I grew up on a farm where my siblings and I regularly got into much worse than a restroom floor...

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This is funny! I HATE taking my kids to the bathroom out in public. I don't know what's worse-wrangling a newly potty trained 2 1/2 year old with a newborn or a 4 year old with a fully mobile 2 year old? My 2 year old gets into and HAS to touch everything in the bathroom (which is gross). I'm a believer that germs build your immune system, so I remind myself of this when I can't control what they are touching and try not to stress about it. Oh, and I always use the handicap bathroom...

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I have worn my babies in public bathrooms and struggled with how to help my children potty when they were young and still stay clean. The worst offenders are those who "hover" and pee all over the seat and floor and walls and then are just too darned lazy or animalistic to wipe up after themselves. If you make a mess, clean it up!!! Don't leave the toilet nasty for the next person. Teach your children to wash their hands every time they use the bathroom and set a good example yourself...

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Yep, that is about right. Your post was great, but even some of the comments left were funnier to read. :)
Woopie do dah...germs.....we all have to face germs with our kids at one time or another. Ya do what ya gotta do. And to a poster -- hold it? Um....sometimes you just can't. We all know there are gross areas we go in life but you can always sanitize them later. And I can't believe I just read that someone brought their own highchair to dinner. Wow...

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Wow? Thanks for sympathizing with me when I am out with my kids and need to go pee every hour. You probably met me in the past and even saw me in the public bathroom somewhere and decided to write this blog for me to feel better.

Your list is pretty funny!

For the germophobic, here's the post on WebMD:
"before you panic, the toilet seat is not a common vehicle for transmitting infections to humans...

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LOL! Too funny this reminded me of our many trips to Costco and of course having to use the restroom. I had one of my lovely boys ask me "where's your pee come from mommy?" and of course there just happened to be a bunch of ladies around and then of course after the silence him asking " are you pooping mommy?" and "boy is it sinky!" I just wanted to get the heck outta there to say the least....the joy of children

I think you forgot to mention about taking your kid(s) into one of those stalls where a wall-mounted baby holder (or whatever it's called) is mounted BEHIND the toilet. That means while you sit there, peeing, pooping, or farting,bleeding, etc. baby sees you from behind and can see it all. Disgusting!My questions is why on earth did they mount it THERE! (duuh)

I'm luckily past that stage, but must say that now (in the newest Malls of Cape Town, South Africa) they have special, large stalls for families. It's brilliant because if your child is old enough, the whole trolley fits in with you (and trolley is fitted with baby seat)...

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This is absolutely hilarious! Luckily my older 2 kiddos are 5 yrs apart, so the older one can go potty by himself or stand right outside the door with the stroller with the little one. Unfortunately we'll soon have another baby just less than a year after the 2nd... I'm just imagining having the 2 little ones, especially once potty training starts!!

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