Photo by: Miss Karen

High Speed Blenders Work Great for Shakes: Families Not so Much

Photo by: Miss Karen

The last few days I have seen a number of blogs and posts about the topic of blended families, the process of blending families, and the problems that the adults who find themselves in this situation tend to experience.

My first observation was this: women seem to find a lot of dissatisfaction with this particular arrangement. Many of the posts were from step moms struggling to hammer out a role for themselves.

I read lots of complaining.

One woman bemoaned the fact that her 9 year old step daughter was acting out at her house because her biological mother is not an ACTIVE parent. In this particular woman’s mind, it was clear that the child must be mad because she is forced to spend half her time with an incompetent biological mother and couldn’t have HER as a mother full time.

While her reasoning seemed overly simplistic at best, her voice was not alone. Many women, biological and step are filled with anger, frustration and resentment at this delicate procedure our society now calls “blending” families.

Raising children is a hot issue. No doubt about it.

Biological mothers miss their children when they are away and can often feel minimized or threatened when they feel another woman is overstepping her bounds and invading the sacred space between a mother and her offspring.

Any other animal in nature solves this potential problem with teeth and claws…

Woe to the man or woman that surprises a mama bear in the woods. My condolences to the well meaning but misguided nature lover that comes too close to the swallow’s nest. Even the tiniest of birds does not recognize how little she is when a breach of security is perceived.

Once you become a mother, you understand this basic defensive reaction with a bit more compassion. If you are the threatened mother there is always a rooted instinct to protect. I know nearly all mothers can name a time when instincts manifested before reason could tame them.

Sometimes this is great. We learn that we have the capacity to do things on behalf of our children that we would not have the courage to do on our own. Sometimes however, our emotions and instincts can serve to complicate an already complicated situation for a child.

Step moms don’t have it so great either. They also run the risk of feeling minimized, but in addition they seem to be forced into a position of proving themselves somehow. Her position comes under the watchful and judgment filled eye of many. Is she doing a good job? Is she stealing this child from another woman? Is she corrupting the child in some way? Is she providing fuel to an already raging fire that might be ongoing between the child’s biological parents? Is she active enough? Is she too active?

Everyone (including her own biological family) will have their opinion on what she is doing and how she is doing it. A woman is still judged very harshly by our society on her ability to mother well. Deadbeat dads come under less criticism than the mother (biological or step) that does not take her role seriously.

Trying to replace a biological parent is a losing battle. Trying to blend like it was not a big deal is also a losing battle…in fact, at the root of this thoughtless plan is a naive belief that has great potential to do harm.

Real life stories don’t have a Brady Bunch theme song.

So how do we approach such a delicate issue? If we are reasonable adults we all know that “Putting the needs and feelings of the child first” is the right answer. If we are honest adults we see that often we fall short. What we say we believe, and what we actually do may not be lining up well with each other.

It’s time to check your ego at the door.

You aren’t special. To coin a phrase that I’ve heard here and there and all over: “You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake.”

I think Tyler Durden said that actually…

This doesn’t mean that you aren’t fantastic in your own way. I’m all about the self respect and empowerment too, don’t get me wrong. What this means is that regardless of who we are or how unique we perceive our situation to be, we have the same developmental stages and fall into the same pitfalls as 99% of other people facing similar situations.

People are fairly predictable. Presented with any situation, there are only a handful of options that people will choose.

If we were to find a wallet on the street, the obvious choices are either:
A- keep the money
B- turn in the wallet

The majority of human beings faced with that situation will choose one of the two options.

If you were UNIQUE, maybe you would eat the wallet for dinner, with a nice red wine or something.

Again, most of us will fall into camp A or B.

How could this be helpful for you to keep in mind? Well, if you don’t mind indulging me for a moment I will describe to you a moment of clarity that has changed my thinking. For you see, I am a mama tiger too.

Fuming over the latest absurdity and injustice regarding the fate of my cub (we need not go further into this than that) I found myself opening a book in Barnes and Noble about the very topic we opened with… blending families.

Very quickly I learned a couple of things.

My feelings and reactions were typical, as were the feelings and reactions of other parties involved.

The aforementioned absurdities that had my panties in a bunch were actually pretty common and all adults involved had followed very predictable patterns of behavior.

It was refreshing and surprising to say the least. Logically I know it should not be surprising. I study child and student development theories grounded in research. Why should I believe that the situation I currently found myself drowning in didn’t have a well researched human development model? Why did I not realize how unconsciously I was living this out?

I’m not that special. I just needed a reminder. When I saw that my reactions and the behaviors of all adults involved were not extraordinary I was able to decide to make different choices. Subsequently my behaviors are now less based on my own sense of injustice and basic instinct and more centered on the mental and emotional health of my child.

This revelatory moment of mine should not lead you to believe that I am now so enlightened that I never get annoyed; I am a human animal after all. The difference is now I can pause and analyze. I have realized that repositioning, ability to retreat, and careful assessment of my nesting ground are important skills. A good understanding of the biological habits and tendencies of other animals living in the same habitat are also required for survival. I needed to understand that when the skunk had it’s tail up, reasoning with it was an impossibility and attempts were only going to make things worse.

Now, did I buy this book and mail it off to the other adults involved? No. I don’t think they are quite ready to have those sorts of conversations with me yet. However I did feel a pang of compassion for them. What a rotten place to be…and I could see that the holes were still in the process of being dug deeper.

Soon I will be on the other side of the fence. My son and I will be blending too as we add a new male father-head into our little family. So how can we prepare?

My partner and I have been discussing this conundrum for about a year and a half now as we slowly transition his status from “Mom’s friend” to “My friend” to “Our guide, advocate and supporter.”

While my alpha and I have been monogamous and committed for several years, we did not attempt any sort of “blend” between the three of us until a decision was made that we were ready to pack together permanently.

At first this meant my son would just stay up late enough to say hello when my partner came over for our nightly debrief. Then, it meant our new edition would occasionally stop over for a meal and stay for a movie or game. Eventually he started traveling with us every now and then for the ever dreaded pick up and drop off; it was important to demonstrate civility and respect toward the cub’s biological roots.

My mate knows he will fill a new role, not replace one that is currently occupied. He is a different sort of animal able to teach my cub a different set of survival skills. He will enhance, not compete.

We will need to build our own traditions as a little tribe. My son will be encouraged to explore new interests with his new step parent. Old father son rituals will remain sacred and left to grow their own way.

As a family we will need to do active planning and conscious work together. We will have to accept that research, active listening, therapy, and some trying times will be part of our process.

I do not believe we can just hope for the best and things will fall into place. If we truly want the best for our children we have to put them at the center. We have to step outside of ourselves and look at the situation as if we were a case study.

We have to work at it.

Blending is hardly as easy as flipping a switch. I do believe it is possible however and have hope that I will be able to facilitate that in the best way I can.

Queenmaker is a newly wedded, formerly single mom of one beautiful 12 year old boy. She has a Masters Degree in Education and works at a small private University as the, “Find your Passion” person. She also has lofty goals of building a strong happy family and supporting others that work hard to do the same.

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After 3 years of courting, my new husband and I have blended our 4 children every so gingerly. It was especially difficult for his children due to their losing their mother. My children came out of a divorce. Both are deaths to the comfort in their former traditional family lives. We never pushed each other onto our children. We were extremely respectful of their sensitivities but we also asked for respect and support when they would occasionally lash out...

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Well written. You show great insight. One caveat I'd like to mention. As much effort as we put into blending two families we should also put into choosing are initial mate and preserving that family.

All relationships require work. I think so many of us have no idea just how much work is required. Many of us come from broken homes and thus have not had good role models. We have a fantasy picture of what we believe marriage should be...

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I admire the forethought that Marta Perrone put toward the challenges blending a family, and her recognition that “both (divorce and death) are deaths to the comfort in their former traditional family lives” will pave the way for receiving respect from both sides of the kids. The world needs more secure mom’s and dad’s like that!

My husband and I have never seen a blended family done well...

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Well written.. thank you for this perspective; I will share this with my husband and other blended families.. My daughter from my first marriage is 19 now and it is still and will probably alwasy be work, but it's comforting to know we're not the only ones and that our reactions for the most part are pretty typica;, if not common-

AMEN! Best of luck to all of you! I have a 27 year old stepson, and the choices we made earlier still have repercussion to our lives today (duh? right?), so my advice is----step gently---- we have a long life ahead of us together!

Great article! I was looking for a better blender, and I found insights for my future. Can't get better than that!

I got divorced when my son was 4. His father remarried a year later to a younger woman with no children. My son is 10 now and I just got remarried this year, to a man who has no children of his own, but who is a wonderful, active and involved stepfather.

Over the years, we have watched my son's bio dad just become less involved and more likely to do the bare minimum as far as visits, support, etc...

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I have made a promise to myself and my kids about blended families!!!

I love fruit smothies!! But I don't see any blended families around me that I would want to be a part of. The tension,depression the kids go through,new spouse not treating the kids as well as I thought they should, new spouse making spouse choose between him/her and the kids,alimony,child support, stress and jealousies of ex spouses are just a few issues expressed to me. UGh!! It makes my head spin just thinking about it...

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Your points are well made and valid. I have an article on this topic to share, as well. It's featured at:

Being part of a blended family is tough - on the children, the mom, the dad, the stepparents. I am part of a family where my husband and I have biological children together and he has two from a previous marriage that live with us. This article is wonderful and pointing out a many features of the blend situation, but speaking from the stepmother, please beware that we are not all wolves trying to take the mother's place - we just want to fit in and play a role...

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I am currently trying to blend two families. Myself and my daughter, with my boyfriend and his two sons that he has visitation with every other weekend. We are moving in together at the end of hte month. The children know what is going on as well as their ages allows them to. My boyfriends ex and i are on friendly terms, so that helps our situation. While my boyfriend is in school i often go to her house to hang out with the boys...

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