brand home pregnancy test

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Results 61-70 from 542 articles

What Causes Multiple Invalid Pregnancy Tests??

K.S. asks from Augusta

I am a few days late. I have taken a couple of pregnancy tests, one Saturday afternoon which came back invalid. So I figured that I did not pee enough or that I shoul...


Possible Pregnancy and Drinking

C.H. asks from Augusta

I have 2 beautiful boys right now and am definately not looking for a 3rd baby right now...not even in the next 10 yrs. But I am using no birth control or condoms but...


Hair Dye During Pregnancy

J.H. asks from Houston

I am about 7 weeks pregnant and am interested if anyone dyed their hair during pregnancy. I have done a little research and it seems the information is fairly vague....


MMR Vaccine During Pregnancy.

R.S. asks from Seattle

Has anyone here gotten the vaccines MMR (combination or one of them), Varicella and/or TD when pregnant? If so please respond. What were the effects on your baby? ...


Dealing with an Ectopic Pregnancy

K.S. asks from New York

Has any mom out there had or knows someone that had an ectopic pregnancy- abnormal pregnancy where the egg implants elsewhere besides the uterus. Sonogram after sonog...


Morning Sickness Without Pregnancy?

H.F. asks from Minneapolis

I have been experiencing what seems exactly like morning sickness for the past week, I get mildly nausious most mornings and fel 100% better after I eat breakfast, on...


Pregnancy Tests

M.S. asks from Kansas City

Hi I was just wondering if anyone has had a similar situation. I am currently about 8 days late and I took a home test. All's well but I am unsure if it is positive o...


Memory Loss During Pregnancy

A.K. asks from Dallas

Good morning everyone, really hoping someone can help me w/ this burning question. During pregnancy I started noticing a pattern of forgetfulness,where sticky notes ...


HELP ME!! I Am Jealous of My Sister's PREGNANCY

V.S. asks from Montgomery

As u may know from my previous posts my husband and I have been trying for a baby for about six months or so now. I even, WITH SLIGHT possibility, may be pregnant now...


Faint Positive Preg Test

S.M. asks from Dallas

I took a EPT this morning and got a very faint positive line. Does this mean I am pregnant? I am going to take another tomorrow, but if anyone else had the same exper...

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