Types: Toddler, Maalox

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15 answers

2 Month Old Refusing Bottle

Okay ladies-HELP!!! Thanks to those who have already responded!! My 2 month old is refusing to take a bottle (I forgot to mention that it's breastmilk we're trying to give her in the bottle, not formula.)-to the point where she's screaming so hard she turns deep red/purple. I saw somebody else on this site that had a similar post, but her child was older and on solids so at least her baby could get some food. My baby goes to daycare 3 days a week, and won't eat all day, and is a wreck by the time I get there. My mom/husband/childcare...


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13 answers

Seeking Some Advice About How Much Formula I Should Be Feeding My Five Month Old

I am having an issue with getting my five month old to eat her bottles. She was only eating about 20 oz, so i went to the doc's and asked them how much she should be eating and he told me that she should be closer to 30-32 oz a day. I told him that sometimes she will just scream her head off when i would try to feed her but i would just have to force her to eat because i was just so worried about her not getting enough. He then told me it sounds like she has acid reflux and they put her on zantac. So I have been giving her that for...


8 Month Old Spit Up

Has anyone else had a baby with a milk allergy? This is totally based off of...


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18 answers

Mom Having Trouble with Formula

Hello Moms, I am a new mother of a beautiful 2 month old little girl.She has been really gassy with the Similac formulas.I have changed to the soy formula and now she is spitting up alot and having alot of poopy diapers that are really really runny. I really don't know what to do at this point. Now that she has been having so many diaper changes she is now developing a rash. Can anyone offer any advise?


Help with Formula

I have a almost 3 month old son who has a problem with spitting up. Since...