Types: Infant, Nuby

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23 answers

Can't Get Baby to Drink Milk or Formula Out of a Sippy

My daughter is 13 months old and she refuses to drink anything but water from a sippy cup. I have tried formula, soy milk and regular milk in several different kinds of sippy cups. She also will not drink milk from a bottle- only her formula. I want to get her off the bottle and formula but I am not sure what to do. Has anyone else had this problem?


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34 answers

From Formula to Milk

My baby is now 1 and has been given the green light to switch to cow's milk. I have given him a bottle of it and he seemed fine with it. He didn't even flinch at the new flavor. But a part of me still wants to give him formula. I suppose that cow's milk has all of the same vitamins and minerals, but have any of you just continued on with formula even though you could give cow's milk? My baby is so in love with his bottle... he still has about 4 per day. I don't know when or how I should wean him, since he's not interested in a sippy cup...