School Vacations: Adult Child

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6 answers

Getting Ready for Middle School

My 10 year old is finishing 5th grade and will be going to middle school next school year. Since I've already done this once with my oldest, you might expect me to be more a little more secure about how to best support him during this transition. However, I am beginning to fret and worry. What types of things have helped your children transition between schools and grade milestones. He's been at the same elementary school since Kindergarden and will be moving to a much much larger school with a different schedule and a totally different...

Spring Vacation

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63 answers

17 Year Olds Going on Spring Break Without Parents daughter wants to go on spring break to FL with her friends. They plan on driving from MI to FL. Of course, no parents are going. I told my daughter, "no way, you can't go. When you are an adult, that's different, but you are too young and so are your friends. I cannot believe these parents letting these 17 year olds go without supervision." Of course, she thinks I'm a monster. I'm stumped. I get that eventually kids grow up, but come on, 17 is too young. What are your thoughts mamas?

Summer School

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10 answers

What to Do with Teenagers over the Summer?

Hi all, I have three stepkids (18, 15, and 9 yo) and a fourth-month old son. (All three stepkids live with us full-time.) I just recently became a SAHM when my son was born. This worked really well when the older three kids were still in school since I had the house to myself most of the day and could focus solely on the baby for the most part. Now that it's summer, though, I'm realizing that I've unwittingly become a SAHM to the three older kids and all their desires to go here, there and everywhere. Although we had the 9 yo in day...

Summer Vacation

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21 answers

Summer Vacation Drama

Sorry for the novel... Every year, I take a vacation to go see family on the East Coast. I have to book it months in advance, because everyone likes to get out of AZ in the summer and I have to fit the timing with my co-workers' vacations. We visit 3 separate areas- my best friend in one state, my mom in another state, and my dad in another. We worked out dates with all 3 parties in November. My friend and dad are unavailable for part of the time period, so I made sure to check if my mom could host us then. She said yes, no problem....