Eating Habits & Schedule: Kolcraft

18 answers

My 4 Month Old Uses Me as a Pacifier and Can't Fall Asleep Without Nursing First

I need advice on how to deal with this. My 4 month old is successfully breastfeeding and we are not giving any formula. But since he was born, I always put him to sleep by breastfeeding him side position in bed and now at 4 months, he only wants to nap or sleep at night next to me and nursing first to fall asleep. My husband and I cannot sleep in the same bed because of the baby. I also have a 2 and a half and cannot spend my afternoon in bed nursing my 4 month old to sleep in our bed. I don't know what to do on how to change that. Is he...


Crib Vs. Bassinet

We are buying items for our first child who is on the way soon :). I am...