Breast Milk Supply & Production: Toddler, The First Years

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17 answers

Is First Years or Evenflo Breast Pumps Any Good?

When my son and daughter were born premature, the WIC offices where I lived provided a motorized Medella pump supplied from a medical supply store. Obviously this was very good. I know that Medellas are sold in Target but I also seen other brands. Is there an "off" brand ie, Evenflo, First Years, etc. that is comparable but without the price??


Improving Milk Supply

My 4 mo. old son is completely healthy, but his weight is on low end for his...


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15 answers

Breastmilk Disappeared- 19 Month Old Distraught- Help!!!!

My son is 19 months and we've been happily nursing since day one. He was a preemie and is still on the small side, not a good eater but makes up for it with nursing. He was colicky for the whole first year and now still doesnt sleep well and seems high needs which is all fine. I believe in attachment parenting and for us extended nursing has literally been a life saver in so many situations. I wanted to nurse until he self weaned even if it meant 3 years old. So we never watch tv but a 2 weeks ago I started letting him watch an hour in...