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4 Month Old Will Not Stay Latched on While Nursing

Los Angeles, CA

I have been successfully breastfeeding my daughter for over 4 months, but over the last few days, after latching on, she has been pulling and turning her head away to the side- but with her strong suction, she tries to take my nipple with her! She has started doing it at almost every feeding, and my nipples are starting to get sore. I take a break from feeding her and try to burp her but it doesn't seem to help. Has this happened to anyone else? Why is she doing this and how do I teach her to stop? Sometimes she smiles while she is doing it- almost like a game... Any theories/tips are appreciated!

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7 Month Old and Only 12.1 Lbs. Won't Take Bottle. Help!

Los Angeles, CA

My son just turned 7 months on the 3rd of Jan. I just came back from the doctors and his current weight is 12.1 lbs. My doctor sent me home w/ a sample of formula. She suggested it's time for the supplement to help him gain weight. He eats well and nurses every 4 hours. But he still not gaining weight. From the 6 mon. visit to today's visit he only gained 2 oz. He's weight gain has been like this for the past 4 months. He also has eczema so I can't eat anything with diary and soy because he breaks out when I do. He also wont take anything from a bottle...breast or formula! Any suggestions? Thanks.

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7Month Old Bowel Movements:how Many?

Los Angeles, CA

How many bowel movements does a 7 month old typically have? My breast fed baby has been on solids for a month: rice cereal w/ breast milk, some organic baby food,& some home made mashed up fruit or veggies. She really enjoys the food. She is still breast fed about 4-5x a day and 2-4x a night. Her bowel movements have drastically dropped from 2 a day to one or two every 2 days. Is this normal?

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Advice Appreciated

Washington DC, VA

Hello, I am in need of advice. I had a little boy on the 20th of january and I didnt have any milk until 3 days after he was born, I have inverted nipples so i cannot breast feed he cannot latch on, I have been pumping and was rather successful at it for the past few days it has been nonstop flow and then today i am lucky to have pumped 6 oz. Its like they are starting to loose their supply. I pump every 2 to 3 hours and i thought that it would produce more, it doesnt seem to be working. I was wondering if any of you have had similar problems and have found a way to solve them. I would love to continue pumping and giving him the breast milk. With my first son I was able to pump for 4 months until one day it stopped on its own. Could it just be me? I am looking forward to feedback, thank you in advance.

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Advice for Bottle Weaning and New Nap/bedtime Routine

Washington DC, MD

Hi moms, So I've made two mistakes and need some advice. My son turns one in two weeks and I'm still breastfeeding but have been slowly weaning for about two months. Right now he is nursing twice per day - in the morning before I go to work and in the afternoon when I get home. My first mistake was weaning him onto a bottle. He is taking two bottles per day - one before his morning nap and one before bedtime. (I should mention that he doesn't take an afternoon nap. Instead he takes a 3 hour morning nap, which is weird, I know. We are working on slowly shifting this morning nap into the afternoon by pushing it back by 5 minutes every week, which seems to be going okay.) My second mistake was making those bottles an integral part of his pre-sleep routine. Before his morning nap and before bed, we read a book, rock a little, and then feed him a bottle. He is still awake when we put him in the crib, and puts himself to sleep with no problem, but we cannot get him to calm down unless he has the bottle. He will sit still to read the story and the rocking is fine, but if you rock too long and don't give him the bottle, he gets antsy and fussy. I've tried putting him in the crib without the bottle and he just screams. I've tried letting him cry it out but that just makes him so upset that he won't go to sleep, which screws up the whole day's routine. I've also tried substituting a cup with formula but he won't drink it. He will only drink water out of the cup. Anyone have any ideas?

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Advice Needed on Breast Pumps

Lubbock, TX

OK...I want to breastfeed by baby and use a pump to express milk for my husband to help out with night feedings and such. Years ago when my daughter was born I had to start her on formula 3 days after she was born because my milk hadn't come in yet and she was getting lethargic. After it came in it never was really plentiful so I would breast feed until I believe I was empty on both sides and then give her a bottle until she was full. This continued until she was 4 months old and refused to nurse at all and went straight to the bottle. Back then I had a manual breast pump that either didn't seem to work very well or I didn't know how to work it. It seemed pretty self explanitory, but maybe I just didn't have enough milk. In any case my question is this. Do the electric pumps really work better than the manual ones? And if I buy one and don't like it or can't use it for lack of good milk production, can I return it if I keep the reciept? I just don't want to waste $100 - $200 for something I may not be able to get much use out of. But it sure would be nice to skip a feeding or two and let Daddy do it.

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Advice on Breast Pump

Dallas, TX

As a soon-to-be new mom, who plans to return to work 12 weeks after the birth of my baby, I would like to start breast feeding by pumping immediately after my daughter is born and pump exclusively. Given the volume of pumping that I'll be doing, do you have feedback on what sort of pump I should get? I don't read anything negative about the Medela Pump in Style pumps, but will it endure pumping 8-12 times per day? Should I consider a hospital grade pump? Any feedback is appreciated.

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Advice on Weaning at 6 Months

Chicago, IL

Hi mommies. I am currently nursing my third and final child. She is now almost 11 weeks and growing and eating like a champ. While I was pregnant with her, my husband found out that he had earned a free, let me stress, FREE trip to Italy. The problem...my daughter will only be just shy of 7 months. Now, after having 3 kids and nursing them all, I feel it's time to put myself first for once. I nursed my first two for just about 11 months when they both practiaclly weaned themselves. I'm very upset at the thought of having to give up breastfeeding so much earlier for her. I mean, she deserves it too, right? But how do I give up a trip to Italy with my husband? I just can't imagine pumping pumping pumping while we're on the go. This is a guided tour so it's not like we can take our time at one place or another. So, my question....how do I go about doing this? I would have to start a few weeks before we left (end of March is the trip) so as not to be engorged during my whole trip. When do I start? And how do I do it gradually?? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE....I don't need judgement from breastfeeding advocates out there. I know that breastfeeding is best. I just can't see pumping up to 6 or 7 times a day for a whole week. Not to mention all the pumping that would need to be done for the time I would be gone. I just can't. So, again, if you have some helpful advice....I'm all ears!!!

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Almost 6 Month Old More Interested in Other Things than Nursing...

Dallas, TX

I have been breastfeeding my daughter who is almost 6 months, exclusively since she was born. Well, she is now sitting up, and rolling everywhere, and wants the remote constantly. She wants to do anything and everything except eat! I put her to the breast, and she throws her head back, looking for the cell phone, or the remote. When I say, "Are you hungry?" She'll laugh and latch on for a second, and then sit up and look around some more. The only time she's really interested in nursing now, is when she's sleepy, and she falls asleep at the breast. She's eating her baby food just fine. She just doesn't want the booby! Is this just a phase, or should I supplement more with baby food. I don't want to bottle feed!

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Almost a Year and Does Not Want Whole Milk - Back to Breastfeeding - HELP

Chicago, IL

My daughter is 11 1/2 months old and I introduced whole milk in replace of her night time breastfeeding in preparation to wean her at a year old. She was drinking about an ounce and then would push it away and fall asleep. Last night (almost one week into drinking whole milk before bed), she decided she was not drinking whole milk she wanted to be breastfed. Has anyone experienced this? She is exclusively b/f'd and eats solids. She never took to a bottle so I have basically been the one to feed her. If Dad tried it was usually an ounce of breastmilk drank from a sippy cup and then she would push it away and fall asleep. Basically, Dad has feed her maybe a hand full of times in the last year. I am scared she doesn't like milk and will not drink it if I begin to wean her. Has anyone out there experienced this or know anyone who successfully got through this?

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Am I Pregnant? Do I Need to Stop Nursing?

Dallas, TX

I am BF an 8 month old and am having alot of the specific symptoms that I experienced with both of my children. I took a test and it was neg. My sone BF about 3-4 times a day and once at night.My nipples are a little tender during nursing but I dont want to read too much into it. I showed symptoms of ovulation and then had sex. This is my first nursed child so I dont have any experience. When will my cycle come back? Is my production going to decrease? How will I be able to identify that? I can still express (spray) milk with a tiny bit of pressure. I dont neccisarily want to stop nursing my son. It has been hard enough him moving to baby food. I dont neccisarily want to be pregnant either. I know i'll get excited if a test is positive. I just need some answers. Thanks Girls!

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Anyone Breastfeeding Twins?

Tampa, FL

Need advice. I would love to find a lactation consultant that has breastfed twins herself. I find ones that only know more about singleton gives me unrealistic goals for breastfeeding two babies. My friend is also having the same problem with her twins. We nurse and nurse and nurse and they never seem satisfied, they don't want to latch and tandem feeding seems impossible. We are both by ourselves most of the time (my husband works and her husband is deployed for two months). We both have twins, mine are 5 weeks and hers are 7 weeks. We find ourselved pumping (which is harder to do with cleaning supplies and finding time in between feedings, cuddling, sleeping. We are just at a slump in this process but dont' want to give up.

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Baby Has Side Preference

Redding, CA

my son of 5 months prefers nursing on the right breast. sometimes when i try to put him on the left he will cry and fuss till i give him the right.my right has been a stronger producer all along, but now i feel the left is shutting down and i am really lopsided. any ideas on how to pump up the left and get him interested again? thanks, M.

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Baby Painfully Pulling off - HELP!!

Dallas, TX

My 5 1/2 month old has recently started jerking his head back with my nipple still stuck in his mouth, painfully sucking off. Then, he tries going back for more and doing the same thing over and over again. I've tried putting my hand behind his head so at least he can't pull back as far along and have just taken him off altogether, while telling him that it hurts Mommy - but I think he believe that it's a game. Any suggestions of how to get him to stop this annoying - and painful - behavior?

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Baby Spitting up a Lot

Phoenix, AZ

I am breastfeeding my son. He is a month old & spits up after every feeding. It is not just a little but tons. Sometimes it reminds me of the exorcist just not pea green. I was under the impression breastfeed babies spit up less. I had troubles breastfeeding my daughter so I am wonder is this normal or should I be concerned.

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Baby Won't Wean, I'm Ready

Chicago, IL

My baby (my 3rd) is almost 11 months old and still nursing. She won't eat jarred babyfood or cereal but loves "real people food" (mashed potatoes, bread, etc.). Since she doesn't eat baby food, she nurses a lot. I'm ready to start weaning her but she refuses to take a bottle or sippy cup. She just cries and refuses to suck at all. I've tried formula, juice, water...she's take nothing from the bottle or cup. How do I begin to wean her if she won't take a bottle or a cup? My other two kids weaned easily, so this is new for me. Pumping is out of the question because since she nurses so much I have absolutely nothing left to pump. I know some say to nurse as long as baby wants but I want her to be totally weaned by 12 months. Any advice?

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Best Way to Get My Son off the BOOB?

St. Louis, MO

My son is hardly a new born anymore. I am still nursing him at 18 months old. I have had so many problems with quiting. I entended to stop nursing at 10 months, but he was just so attatched, and frankly, I wasn't ready to give it up either. But things have changed. My son is now old enough to let me know exactly when he wants to nurse, by pointing, or grabing me, and saying "BooB" over, and over again. I have come to the point,where I am more than ready for some freedom. He has never taken a pacifier, or even a bottle, untill recently. I have been giving him milk in a bottle at least 2 times a day, and have worked my way down to nursing him 2 times a day, at nap time, and bed time. How do I get him off the boob? I don't want him to be angry at me, but I feel I will be nursing him untill he's 5 if we don't start ending it now. I just need some advice, or tricks that might work. I realy have no idea on how to do this, besides just quiting. But I feel that it would devistate my son, he has no comfort items, except for me. I don't want to just totaly take that away from him. What to do? Any advice?

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Bfing and Vitamins

Columbus, OH

the pedi has insisted on me introducing vitamins to my 3 month old daughter. she mentioned poly vi sol (or something like that) to increase her vitamin D. anyway i wanted a product without all of the artifical junk and was wondering if you all had any suggestions. did you give your child vitamins during BFing? thanks in advance

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Bottle Feeding Advice

Los Angeles, CA

Hi, I have a 3 month old boy. we have been doing a combo breastfeeding/formula up until 2 months and a half... Now suddenly as I go back to work, he is refusing to take a bottle. Even bottled breastmilk causes a crying fit. everyone keeps sayin that when he's hungry he will eat, but now he skips feedings and sleeps through them. which has now caused his day and night to be flipped.

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Breast Feeding & Pumping

Tampa, FL

Currently I am bf'ing my 2 mth old son. Unfortnately, I will b returning to work Oct 1st. I breast fed w/my oldest, but my newborn seems a lot harder to keep up with. I dont have any frozen milk, as we've had a lot of visitors (out of state family) which help deplete our supply. I currently supplement about 2-3 feedings a day w/formula in order to give me a break and/or to allow my milk to come in fuller in order to satisfy my over 13 lb newborn! I find it challenging to pump all the time because I also have a 4 yr old that I've been keeping home 2-3 days a week (he's only in daycare)to spend some time w/while I'm away from work. I worry that not pumping in the last 2 weeks (like I said a house full) & my supplement feedings have significantly decreased my milk supply. Is there anything I can do to build it back up in order to successfully continue b'feeding, at least part-time, when I go back to work?

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Breast Feeding Soreness

El Paso, TX

I have been breast feeding my now 6 week old baby boy exclusively and successfully other than my sore nipples. my question is will they ever feel better? I have tried everything - alternating positons, using lanolin, letting them air dry, assuring that he is latching on appropriately.....Any other tips.

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Breast Pump Suggestions

Phoenix, AZ

Hi I am going to have a baby girl in a few weeks and im set on breast feeding but i a litle lots on a type of hand pump to get. I would love some suggestionsand pointers. I also need to try to go cheap. oh doies it matter what kind of bottles i use o does it need to be the kind to fit the pump? My husband suggested to pump into the one specail bottle and pour it into another bottle if necessary, will that work. Im so at a loss right now.

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Breastfed Baby STILL Won't Sleep Through the Night....:(

Philadelphia, PA

My son is 2 months old, breastfed and keeps me up every 1.5 to 2 hours STILL. I don't want to use formula for the nightime feedings in fear that when I go back to work - this week - my milk supply will dry up if I don't nurse him during those night hours since basically, that's all we'll have left together - other then the weekends. Any other ideas? I do pump 4 oz and give that to him at about 11pm which buys me about 3 hours of sleep but I just don't like the idea of giving him more then one pumped bottle vrs my breast.

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Breastfed Baby That Is Gassy

Chicago, IL

Hi! My daughter is almost 3 months old & I have been exclusively breastfeeding. She is a very gassy baby, and usually @ 7-8PM each night gets very fussy & cries in pain. Her belly is tight & she screams & screams. My pediatrician suggested to cut back on milk & eggs, so I have- no change. I am a careful eater & have altered my diet several times already. I feel like it doesn't matter what I eat- she still is gassy. I do use gas drops, but kinda don't feel like I should have to be giving her them every night, but she is always gassy or in pain. Does anyone else have this problem? Is it just a phase that she'll grow out of? Should I be worried about something else going on in her little belly? Thanks!

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Breastfed Baby Won't Eat Any Finger Foods.

Los Angeles, CA

My baby is 8 months old. We started him on solids at about 6.5 months, and we have tried just about every veggie and every fruit. He loves most of them. I thought it was time to start introducing him to some basic finger foods. We have tried apples, bananas, pears, avocado, and rice. Same reaction with each one. First he gave us a look like we were trying to hurt him, then he proceeded to gag uncontrollably until he vomited and continued doing so for a few min afterward. I really think it was a texture thing. Can anyone recommend some basic first finger food to get him used to texture. Also, I want to teach him the pincer grasp. Thanks in advance for your ideas.

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Breastfeeding - One Side Poorly Performing!

Denver, CO

Hi Moms... I am successfully breastfeeding my 11 week old son ~ with one exception. I am now back at work, so the pumping is in full swing! I get a lot less milk from my left side. It is always the left. And I always get at least twice as much (and sometimes three times as much!) from the right side. Anyone else familiar with this issue? Is there a way to resolve it?

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Breastfeeding 2-3 Weeks After Delivery

Philadelphia, PA

My two week old infant is not gaining weight and has been to the doctor every 2-3 days for the past two weeks. They determined he has a milk and soy allergy. They put him on the similac alimentum and its hurting his stomach more than the soy based formula. He is scheduled to go back tomorrow. My question is has anyone started pumping to get milk to come back in two weeks or more after giving birth?? Is this possible? I'm not sure what other options we have..ANY advice/thoughts would be so helpful.

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Breastfeeding a Gassy Baby

New York, NY

I am breastfeeding and finding that my baby is fussy after most feedings. He spits up and always seems to be uncomfortable. He only finds comfort in me rocking him and putting him on my shoulder. I thought breasfed babies are less likely to have gas. Is it what I am eating or is something wrong with him? He often grunts and seems restless when he is sleeping. I am worried about him. Should I start formula instead?

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Breastfeeding Advice...

Fort Myers, FL

I have a five week old baby girl (she is my third child). I haven't been able to nurse any of my other children this long... so I am kinda new at nursing. She latches on great (well it doesn't hurt anymore :^) and shes getting enuff milk! My question is... just recently she has been making a clicking sound when she nurses. When she sucks she makes this clicking sound with her tongue. She makes the sound with one breast more then the other. I have huge breast.... does this have anything to do with it? Is this ok? Does this make her get more air? Should I try to doing something about it.... and what should I do to help her? Also... how do you know if your child will be a finger sucker... she does try to get her thumb and she looses her pacifier alot... so about how old are they when you know they will be a finger sucker? I just knew my boys where not able to find the hands easly... but she seams to kinda get it... Thank you!

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Breastfeeding Advise

Jacksonville, FL

I am having a hard time with my two month old daughter. For the first two months she was on a regular eating schedule, every three hours. But lately she is wanting to eat every hour and a half. I'm afraid that she is not getting enough because she is not giving my breast time to fill up. I never breastfed my son so this is new to me. He was on a great schedule with formula and had no problem falling asleep or sleeping for a full nap. She will sleep for an hour and wake up screaming. I don't know if I am making enough. Please Help.

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Breastfeeding and Bottles.....

Dallas, TX

I have a 9 day old little boy, apparently I cannot get him to latch properly and I am SO SORE!! RAW pretty much! I just probably did the worst thing ever....I have been pumping between feedings so that I can have a stock for when I return to work, and I just gave him a bottle....I know...it's pretty bad, but I hurt so bad...the pedi at the hospital said it would be ok to introduce one bottle a day around 2 weeks old so that he gets used to taking one...has anyone had success w/their baby nursing and taking a bottle once a day???? I really would like to continue nursing....any advice on how I can "train" my breasts to not be so sensitive??? Thanks!!

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Breastfeeding and I Have a Fever of 102

Houston, TX

Its kinda late to be asking becasue ive been bf throughout but i was just wondering tonight if its bad to bf while i have a fever. I guess it depends on what illness i have. but its affected my milk i was making enough for him and trying to pump at night for storage. ( also hes been really wanting more baby food. (hes five months now)but i dont think thats why i got such low ounces.) And it was oddly hard to get my let down too this afternoon.. finnally i almost fell asleep and finally got a sad little 2 oz. any advice in this area?? little worried. I definatly dont have mastitis i had it with my first. and i had a plugged duct with this one.. so no i was sick. i know because my oldest had the sickness couple days before me.

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Breastfeeding and Tooth Decay

Los Angeles, CA

Hello, I have a 9 month old boy who still uses breastfeeding to go to sleep. He has 2 teeth now and is getting more in. I have been seeing a lot of requests on tooth decay and hear it is bad to let my son breastfeed and then fall asleep. I do brush his teeth but don't know exactly how to ween him from eating and then falling asleep. Any suggestions??

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Breastfeeding Baby Is Biting!

Chicago, IL

My 6 month old baby has a tendency to bite down when breastfeeding. Sometimes she does it with her gums or lips, but recently she has started doing it with her new bottom teeth! I say no loudly and remove her from the breast, but she doesn't seem to notice that she's done anything wrong. She just does it again the next time! Any suggestions? Thanks!

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Breastfeeding but Supplementing with Formula

Dallas, TX

hi moms! since the beginning, i have had problems with breastfeeding: first, we thought my baby had thrush; then, we thought she had latching issues; when things seemed to be getting better, i got mastitis in my right breast; once that went away, i still had a blocked duct that caused me to produce WAY less milk in the right breast than in the left; because of the lower milk production, my baby was unwilling to latch on the the right breast and would cry so much she wouldn't even try the left! well, that's been going on since about week 6, and now my daughter is 12 weeks old. at about 8 weeks i began supplementing one bottle of formula in the evening, when she would get cranky (i don't believe it is colic because it's not how most people describe colic). well, if i did supplement (i tried my best not to!), i would stick to just one bottle...but on halloween i had to give her two because we were out trick-or-treating with my 5 yo step daughter. although i still try to stick to just one bottle, i've noticed that in the past few days i have given her 2 bottles because it has been more convenient than trying to pump (we had to drive to houston to get a passport, and yesterday we flew to mexico city). i REALLY want to get my milk production up and even bought an electric pump but haven't had time to use it. i brought it to mexico with me and plan to try it while i'm here, but was wondering if any of you have any suggestions. should i wait until my breasts feel full? or is a pump efficient enough to extract milk at any time? my baby is now eating about every 2 hours (even if i give her 4 oz of formula!). should i be feeding her more than 4 oz now? i just feel like i am losing the breastfeeding battle...i need help!! thanks, N. p.s. i have tried the breastfeeding vacation where i just sit at home with my shirt off all day and breastfeed for an entire week (or more!), starting with the right breast first, but it didn't seem to help much, if at all. :(

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Breastfeeding Diet

Detroit, MI

I have a 7 week old daughter and she cries a lot. I eat realy healthy, I never eat out I always cook what I eat and my doctor makes me feel like it is my diet that makes my baby cry. Is it reallt that critical to be super cautious about what you eat? Any advise is appreaciated.

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Breastfeeding Failures and Successes

Buffalo, NY

I am currently studying to be a Peer Counselor for WIC and will be working with breastfeeding Moms in the area and it got me thinking. I was wondering what some of the common problems women are facing today. What you were told, why you couldnt make it work, how you did. I just want to hear your stories. Do you mind sharing?

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Breastfeeding Problems

San Francisco, CA

I have an adorable 4.5 month old baby boy. When he was first born, I tried for a few weeks to breastfeed him. The first problem I experienced was very sore nipples and breastfeeding was painful the entire time I would feed him. I had about 10 or 11 nurses/lactation consultants watch me with him right after delivery and I even stayed an extra night in the hospital to get help with breastfeeding. They all said his "latching on" looked fine. After leaving the hospital, I went to go see a lactation consultant 4 times within the next 2 weeks. I tried everything...I pumped for a little while, tried Mother's Milk Tea, Fenugreek, SNS, etc. I really wanted to breastfeed b/c I know it is the best for babies. Finally, after about 2.5 weeks or so, I gave up. I'd pumped for a little while and my milk supply was dwindling to the point that I was only getting about 10 cc's of milk from each 10-15 minute pumping session. At this point he was consuming about 10 times that much at each feeding. So, I finally gave up and went to strictly formula. Even though I feel like I gave it my best shot, I still feel awful about it. The only thing I didn't try, which I will try with baby #2, is hiring a post-partum doula. Any other thoughts or suggestions out there? (Please don't tell me that I should have tried longer with the breastfeeding, the pain was so intense that it was equal to the pain of my contractions during labor! Also the lactation consultants were telling me that it shouldn't be painful the whole time you are nursing, usually only at the beginning of each session, at least at first.) Thanks-- any words of wisdom would be appreciated.

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Breastfeeding Production Dwindling

Chicago, IL

I had to stop breastfeeding and pump only while supplementing with formula due to the weight of my pre-term baby. I pump every 3 hours just prior to his feedings. My milk production keeps going up and down and was wondering if this is normal and if there is anything I can do to keep producing more?

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Breastfeeding Questions Take 3

Dallas, TX

thank you for all your responses. I go back to work on Oct 1st so i need to have enough milk to feed my baby in daycare that is why i am stressing. if i am feeding her and pumping only 1-2 oz how will i have enough. any other mothers in this situation please help.

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Breastfeeding Second Child...

Minneapolis, MN

I will deliver my second child at the end of summer. I would love to breastfeed, but had great difficulty with my first and ended up discontinuing after my milk declined to come in. I did have a breast reduction done in 2001. I am wondering if anyone has experience with BF after a reduction or if anyone had little or no milk production with a first child and was then able to successfully BF their second? Any help or suggestions are welcome!

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Breastfeeding Twins/milk Supply

Pittsburgh, PA

Hi, My breastfed twins are 8 days old and I am not sure if my milk supply is keeping up with them. I supplemented with a little formula on days 4 & 5 because my milk was not in yet. Now it is in and I have phased out the supplements. They are doing well with wet diapers, they gained at their weight check, etc. But when I feed them I do not feel the let-down, leaking, etc. that I felt with my other boys that i nursed. I do have a pump, trying to pump after feeding when practical. 1. Any twin moms who nursed have the same experience? Since there are two of them can I ever expect to feel the same fullness and letdown that i did before with the others? 2. General advice on increasing milk supply?

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Breastfeeding While Lying Down?

Dallas, TX

Hi moms, I have a 7 week old and breastfeeding is going along great! Only problem, she will not nurse while I am lying down. I think I am following the instructions in the books I have, but we just can't seem to get the hang of it. Any other position, she is fine with. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated!

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Breastmilk Storage & Re-warming

Miami, FL

I am breastfeeding my two month old daughter and pump while I am at work. I have read that once you warm your breastmilk, you should discard any portion that is not used. Sometimes, she will eat a bottle and just need a little more so my husband heats up the next bottle and will refrigerate the unused portion for the next feeding. She does not show any signs of upset stomach if we rewarm it and feed it to her later, but I'm uncomfortable because I read you should not do that. Is this true? Also, if you can re-refrigerate and use later, is there a maximum time that it should be used within. This often happens at her last feeding so it might not be three hours later that she would eat the rest of the bottle (also complicated by the fact that if I am then home, why would we give her a bottle). I hate to throw away so much breastmilk when she only consumes a little of the next bottle. Also, I have read that if you freeze your breastmilk, you must consume it within 24 hours of defrosting and that you definitely should not rewarm thawed breastmilk (i.e. the unused portion must definitely be discarded). Thoughts, comments... Thank you!

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Breastmilk Supply and Formula Introduction (For Going Back to Work)

Seattle, WA

Hi, I'm returning to work in 11 days and am having trouble building up a supply of pumped breastmilk for him to have while at daycare. He is now 14 weeks and nurses pretty vigorously about every three hours, except at night when he sleeps (thank God!) for about two 4 or 5 hour stretches. I've tried pumping in between feedings and in 15 minutes or so get a paltry ounce or two. Does anyone have advice on how to get the supply I need even for the first day? I figure I'll need 3 or 4 4 ounce bottles. OR, do I bite the bullet and introduce formula for one or two daytime feedings? Would love to hear any of your advice or experiences - thank you!!

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Breatfeeding and Frustrated

Dallas, TX

I have a 2 1/2 week old. She nurses 10-15 min per side. good eater, however when she finishes she will still act fussy. I pump 2x a day and only produce 2oz when will I get more milk? I am frustrated. Is this normal to only produce a small amt of milk?

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Brewer's Yeast

Denver, CO

I purchased some brewer's yeast today to see if that would help up my milk supply. My question is...how do you eat it? The bottle said to add it to a fruit smoothie. Ok. That's fine...any other ideas, though? I've been having protein, yogurt and fruit smoothies a few times a week for a while now. I am starting to get burned out. How have you guys used it? And how much? Thanks so much!

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Building up My Milk Supply

Orlando, FL

I go back to work next week(not by choice) Im currently breastfeeding I would love to continue to breastfeed, my question is how can I build up my milk supply and how about strage? How often should I pump? Pump before feeding her or after? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Busy Breastfeeder Won't Finish

Dallas, TX

Hi There, I am sure that someone out there has had this same problem. My baby is 7 months old and for the last 3 weeks or more she will not complete her meal when breastfeeding.She seems to want to face out rather than into the breast....she is pre-occupied with anything other than eating, which is very frustrating! She "Speed Eats" from the first side and then I usually try at least two times with her to get her to eat on the other side...to no avail...she just cries, and does not want to finish so I don't push her because I want breastfeeding to be a positive experience with her. I know she is not full, because If I pump and put it in a bottle she will drink it most of the time. She is fine with the bottle because she can see what is around her and play with her feet etc... (at least this is what I think is going on in that little head of hers) By the way...she eats beautifully at night before bedtime,and when she is sleepy first thing in the morning. Please let me know if there is a better way to handle this. She is bottle fed with the lady that keeps her during the day, and I would like to get back to exlusively breastfeeding instead of doing double duty. Any advise is GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!

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Caffeine and Alcohol While Breastfeeding

Minneapolis, MN

Hello! I was wondering how diligent you all were with avoiding caffeine and alcohol while breastfeeding. I am due in 5 weeks with baby #1 and plan to breastfeed. I have, obviously, avoided alcohol 100% while pregnant, and maybe had 1 caffeine drink/week while pregnant. I was looking forward to having a few fun drinks after this baby is born, but don't want to harm my baby. Help, please!

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Calorie Count? Loose Weight and Breastfeed?

Dallas, TX

Hey ladies, I was wondering how you go about loosing weight while you are nursing? I Know that its a calorie thing so if you eat healthy sometimes that isnt enough calories but youy dont want to cut your calories b/c you burn so much off with nursing but you also NEED calories to make milk.. and if you exercise you burn calories and those are calories you need to make milk, right?? I am just paranoid about my milk dropping.. i already feel like it is b/c I am mostly pumping during the day.. I just dont pump well.. I get about five ounces each time but when my son want a bigger bottle...(he is only two months old now) then I wont have enough.. so how do you loose weight and nurse with the whole calorie thing being a factor? Thansk!

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Can It Come Back

Springfield, MO

I was breastfeeding my son up until I had to go out of town for a few months. I expressed milk for a while when I arrived at my destination. Now there doesnt seem to be any milk left. But sometimes I get sharp pains in my breast. Also if I squeeze my nipple a clear liquid comes out and then a real rich milkly looking thicker liquid comes out breifly. My question is after one stop breastfeeding for a while can your milk supply come back or is it gone forever? (until you have another baby)

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Chewing Gum and Pumping???

Chicago, IL

I heard somewhere that if you chew gum while you pump, it will increase your milk supply. Has anyone else heard this?? I'm not a gum chewer, but I'll give it a try if someone says it actually works. Since we've started my daughter on solid foods, my milk supply has been slowly decreasing, and I'd like to continue nursing her as long as I can...

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Clogged Duct or Mastitis??

Chicago, IL

I am still b/f my daughter who will be 7m next week. I've had mastitis after she was born and know what that feels like. What I am needing to know is if you get the same flu like symptoms from clogged ducts? The last two weeks, my daughter's latch changed up a bit causing me blisters once again. So am not sure if the open wounds caused me to get mastitis again, it feels different from what I remember back in Aug. (which was a blur) Now that they are healed, I am feeling terrible and felt a knot in my L Breast, which I cleared up (and had flu like symptoms on Sun) They went away and woke up at 3am engorged (I didn't pump before bed b/c I was not feeling well again), so I felt the knot this morning while I was pumping and nursed first thing this morning, it feels better but I don't. I take advil to ease the pain and to help with the chills I had at 5am today. Thank you!

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Clogged Mammary Gland

Chicago, IL

I have been breastfeeding my 4 month old son without incident, until this morning I woke up and realized my right breast is sore and engorged on the upper right side. It is not red or hot to the touch, but sore and swollen like the milk is not able to be let down. Has anybody had this problem? Will it eventually go away--what should I do?

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Clogged Milk Duct???

Dallas, TX

Okay Mammas, my son is a year and I'm still nursing him. We've slowly been cutting back feedings but still nurse around naptime and bedtime. Yesterday I noticed that my left breast was tender and today it's warm to touch and more tender. I have noticed a little bit of redness, no streaks and I don't have a fever. Could this be a clogged milk duct? If it is what should I do to treat it or make it better??? Any advice is appreciated! Thanks so much!

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Cluster Feedings

Chicago, IL

I think my 11 week old is going through her 3 month growth spurt earlier and cluster feeding. She wants to eat again every 2-2 1/2 hours. Does that sound right? How frequently do BF babies go through cluster feedings? Also, she isn't napping at all either. She's up most of the day (napping a total of 2-3 hours) but now cutting those naps out too. After this spurt, should she nap again during the day?

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Colic Baby

Jacksonville, FL

Ok I have gone through this 2 times already in the last 3 years but I still need some advice. My son is 4 days old and cries when he tries to nurse. He cries almost nonstop at night. It wakes up my other two children and leaves me with 2 cranky kids on top of wondering what is going on with him. I am worried he is not getting enough food. Breastfeeding normally calmed down my other two or they would refuse to nurse but he tries to nurse and then cries. He will take a pacifier afterwards and fall asleep (except at night). My pediatrician thinks it might be acid reflux. Does that sound right? ANyone experience this?

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Convincing Breastfed Baby to Re-accept Bottles

San Francisco, CA

My 9-week old breastfeeding baby suddenly refused eating from bottles. We introduced bottles (w/ breast milk) to her when she was 3 weeks old to avoid nipple confusion and have been feeding her once a day (often none a day) to keep up with the bottle feeding. For whatever reason, she suddenly started refusing the bottle and cries as soon as the nipple touches her lips. Does anyone have an advice on how to get her to re-accept the bottle?

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Could My Baby Be Having an Adverse Reaction to Mother's Milk Tea?

Chicago, IL

I have been breastfeeding exclusivly for 5 months. I work full time and pump during the day. Recently I saw a decrease in my output when pumping so I started drinking the Mother's Milk Tea. It has been great and I have definitely seen an increase when pumping. Coicidentally (or not) my son has started spitting up much more frequently and isn't sleeping well. He is only 5 months old so I am not sure what is typical, changes for a baby or if it could be a reaction/allergy to the herbs in the tea. When we try to put him down for naps they are very short (40 minutes) and he is kind of spastic at night (arms going all over the place, kicking his legs etc) And in the middle of the night he is up for 2 hours before going back down. It's like he all of a sudden got a lot of caffeine in his system, but I don't drink coffee, soda or eat chocolate etc. And he never really spit up and is now spitting up with almost every feeding and/or burp. Has anyone had an expereince with their child being allergic or having a reaction to the herbs in the tea? Thanks!

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Cracked Nipples!

Sherman, TX

My baby is 3 months old and I've been nursing her with no problems until now. My nipples are very sore and cracked at the top and I was wondering if there is anything I can do for them? She nurses about every 4 hours and it's very painful!

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Crying While nursing...what Could Be Going Wrong?

Chicago, IL

My 3 month old daughter has been a champion nuser up until about a week ago (we did have some issues with reflux, but that is under control now). She currenly nurses every 2 to 3 hours and once or twice at night. For the late week or so she latches on as she always has but then she pulls off and screams and cries. I try to help her back on and she usually will latch back on, but then she pulls off and screams. Sometimes she will stay latched on for a minute or 2 (and I can hear her swallowing) but then it is back to the screaming. I try switching sides and the same thing happens. Sometimes after she is done nursing (or after she refuses to latch back on) she will calm down and nap or whatever. Sometimes she won't. Tonight she carried on for over an hour. I finally gave in and gave her a bottle. She sucked that down and went right to sleep. When she gets a bottle she never cries. Could there be a supply issue? Is she just mad and trying to tell me that she would rather have a bottle? I am feeling so defeated and discouraged about this. I nursed my first daughter until she was 18 months old and I had planned on going to at least a year with my second...but I can't let her go on being hungry. Does anyone have a suggestion as to what may be wrong or what I could do do make things better for the both of us? Thanks so much!

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Cup or Bottle

Chicago, IL

My son is 9 months old and I have been breastfeeding him. He took a bottle up until about a month ago. Now I he screams when he sees it. I am now starting to plan my return to work ( I am a teacher) and he isn't taking a bottle. He obviously needs to eat from something other than me for daycare. We have started to introduce a cup. He drinks from a regular cup fine, holds a sippy cup but doesn't really drink from it. My question is: Should I keep pushing the bottle or just try to get him to use a cup to drink his milk? I know I need to get him to drink from something in preparation for daycare. Any ideas on introducing a cup?

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Daughter Is Refusing Anything but Breastmilk

Provo, UT

I have been nursing my daughter since she was born. Over the last year, I've struggled greatly to keep up any type of milk supply, I can usually pump about 4 ounces tops (that's after a 4 hour waiting period.) Throughout the year, we have tried to get her to drink formula, juice, water or any type of liquid to keep her hydrated while I am at work during the day if she needed more fluids than what I could pump. I go home at lunch to nurse and she has soggy diapers all the time, so we're not too worried about dehydration right now. But, our problem is that his grandmother says I could start to dry up at anytime, and we'll be stuck because she refuses to drink other fluids. Does anyone have any ideas on how we can help her to like other liquids? Is there a certain sippy cup that you have found useful more than others? Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!

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Dead with a Headcold and Breastfeeding

New York, NY

Please, please, please, I have a four month old baby boy and I'm JUST BREASTFEEDING!!! I have a horrible head cold and I can't take any meds (at least that I know of) I can't pump and THEN medicate because my little sweetie refuses to take a bottle. :-) I've tried to give him a bottle in the past so DH and I can have an evening out but he has (and continues to) choose not to eat at all rather than take the bottle. Is there ANY RELIEF AT ALL that anyone can help me with? May be someone's granny has a non chemical home remady?

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Decreased Milk Supply with Baby Sleeping Through the Night.

Chicago, IL

My 4 month old has slept through the night (8:30pm to 7am!) the last 5 nights. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it continues. Anywy, I work 4 days a week. Up until this point I have not had an issue with milk supply with going back to work (I've been back about 6 weeks now). Since she has slept longer, I feel like my body has adapted in terms of not being engorged in the morning but I also feel like my body is then not producing as much during the day. As the day progresses I can't pump as much at work and I don't feel like I have as much to offer in the afternoons on the days I'm home with her. I thought my body should respond to these longer night stretches like a biofeedback system and it should know times of day/cycles for when she needs to eat. But could my body be confused and think it doesn't need to produce milk b/c it went through the night? Just FYI, I have scheduled pump times on the days I work and they parallel the times she eats during the day. Any thoughts on the apparent decrease?

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Do Not Wake a Sleeping Baby?

Tampa, FL

My son (6 weeks old) slept 4 hours last night, nursed for 30 min and slept for 4 hours again. It is not the first time when tries to sleep long hours. Do I need to wake him up or should I let him sleep? The problem is that he has gained only 7oz during last two weeks (1 lbs 10 oz) during first month). 8-10 wetdiapers and 3 dirty diapers. I do not seem to have a problem with milk supply but the baby doesn't want to work for hind milk. He would nurse actively for 15 min on a breast then start crying like there is no milk there. I have to offer him another breast hoping that when he is done he will come back to the first breast to finish it and get hind milk. I try to burp him before chaning breasts. After protesting vigoroursly, he would calm down a bit, can burp once or no burps. There is nothing I can do to make him nurse more. All I can do it to soothe him to sleep and before falling asleep he would nurse actively again for a short time (about a minute.) My husband talk about supplementing with formula if two-month-visit will show poor weight gain again. What can I do? It makes not sense to take hurbal supplements to increase milk supply as the baby is getting more than enough fore milk (his stool has been green for the last two days - fore/hind milk imbanlance?). The trick is to make him drink hind milk. How?

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Drinking a Margarita or two.....is It Safe??

Dallas, TX

Hi Mamas, My hubby and I are planning to go out this weekend for the first time in who knows how long and I am SO excited we get a night alone......however, I am still exclusively BF our 6 mnth old and want to know if it's safe to drink a margarita, maybe two with BF. If margaritas are NOT safe, is there one alcohol beverage that might be safer to drink than the other with BF? I don't want to have anything pass through my milk that can harm my baby so any honest helpful advice is greatly appreciate. I am also still night feeding approximately 2-3 times a night. Thank you for taking the time to write me with your advice!

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Drinking an Alcoholic Beverage

San Francisco, CA

It has been a year since I have had a yummy strawberry margarita! How long do you need to wait to breastfeed your baby? Unfortunately, we are battling him taking a bottle so that really isn't an option! I heard it is 2 hours but I would like your opinions, everyone says something different.

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Eventually Learn to Wean???

Norfolk, VA

Okay now I have a few questions? First of all I am trying to make it to the one year mark until I stop breastfeeding though it has been difficult and can't belive I even made it this far. I had to quit within weeks with our first daughter but stood it out this time. And glad I did. Well I nurse my daughter about four times a day and pump once at night to freeze extra milk. I have no idea if this is enough. My daughter also eats about 2 to 2 and a half jars of stage 3 and a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. She still seems quite hungry after I nurse her and have been trying to figure out what to do as she becomes cranky, so I was trying to figure out if I should throw in the towel and wean her to the cup of breastmilk and try to make it until whole milk, or do breastmilk into formula into whole milk, if that makes since. I feel like I produce nearly not enough. I remember a time when our first born was getting 8oz of formula at a time and can't recall producing that much ever. If I did wean or when I do, how do I go about it from a moms point of view. Thanks so much in advance.

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Examples of Breastfeeding Schedules

San Diego, CA

Hi all, I am due in 3 weeks and have read a ton of books and taken a lot of classes and feel totally inundated by information today. I was just wondering if other breastfeeding moms could share their babys' feeding/nap/awake time schedules. I know all babies are different but it would just be nice to see what others are doing. Thanks in advance!

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Extending Nursing and Weaning

Dallas, TX

My son will be 18 months old in a couple of weeks and is still nursing. He is VERY attached to nursing. I've gotten it down mostly to first thing in the morning, before his nap and before bedtime. My husband has been very supportive but thinks that 18 months is long enough. I was hoping my son would wean himself but that's not been the case. I am torn. Part of me wants to continue as he may be my only child (by choice) and I will miss the bonding, but the other part of me wants to diet and take supplements and do some of the other things that nursing doesn't allow. We just relocated from out of state so I wanted to give him enough time to acclimate and we've been here now for about two months. He drinks juice out of a cup and will drink milk sometimes (although I haven't been pushing it). We were on Cobra prior to our move but are without insurance for the moment. Anyhow, I'm nervous about the weaning as well because of the lack of a pediatrician or OBGYN to talk to if I run into complications. Thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for your help! :)

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Extremely SORE Nipples Due to Pumping...

San Francisco, CA

Has any other mother experience really sore nipples while pumping only??? I use to specifically breast feed my son, however due to latch on issues and being extremely fussy, I decided to pump only to provide my son breast milk through a bottle. My son became a happier baby with this. However my nipples due to pumping 2-3 times a day have become extremely sore, to a point where it makes me not want to pump anymore and start feeding him formula. Which is something I like to avoid until 6 months of age. Any other mother experience this issue and what did you do to help stop the pain and make it go away??!!!

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Feeling Extremely Sad After Weaning My Baby After Long Term Nursing

New York, NY

hello, i was wondering if this happened to anyone else. I just started weaning my 21,5 month old after finding out that i'm pregnant again. originally i wanted to continue as long as she wanted or at least for a few more months, we both enjoyed this experience very much, and for my daughter it was more like oxygen in a way.my obgyn told me to stop, since it wouldn't be good for either one of the babies at this point. i though she'd never take it as well as she did. I just tried for the first time last night, it wasn't too easy for her, but in 2,5 hours she finally fell asleep on her own without nursing first time in her life. however i stayed up all night feeling sorry for what i did and feeling completely empty, sad and almost like i betrayed her. is this a normal feeling? i know it would go away, but how soon? and will she remember and would want to nurse after baby is born? i do want to wean her just because no one else is able to ever put her to bed and baby sit her if god for bid i'm not there. and she's been taking so well that i don't want to confuse her now. However , i still feel that it's not the right time to stop and that i was pushed into this decision.

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Minneapolis, MN

I am going out of town in a couple of weeks and will be gone for the weekend. I am trying to pump enough for my daughter and just need a few more bottles. I started taking Fenugreek a few days ago and havent noticed any difference. In fact, the other night it took a very long time for my milk to let down. I have been taking 3 pills 3x/day. Has anyone not gotten results from this or do I need to keep taking them for a little longer? Basically, I only breastfeed and my body doesnt make any extra. I have 2 weeks to pump more. Any information would be great or any other suggestions to up my milk. Thanks

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Fenugreek and Nursing Issues

Chicago, IL

Hello All, I am a mother of 4. My older 3 are almost 10, 13, and 15. I have a 10 day old who was born 4 weeks, 2 days early due to me having preeclampsia and is having trouble with eating. She is sleepy and does not want to stay awake to eat. We have had to supplement her by pumping and some formula. I hate having to give her a bottle and have others feed her. I have begun taking Fenugreek at the direction of our nurse and nurse partctioner. Last week we were at the docs 4 times for weight check and lactation consulting. We will return tomorrow. I am having trouble getting her to stay awake long enough to eat. I also am having a problem now with her not wanting to nurse. Any input? Has anyone had experience with the Fenugreek. I wonder if she is avoiding nursing because of it? Likely not as she will still eat what I pump. I would love any input on the nursing issue or Fenugreek as I don't want to toss breast feeding out the door. Take Care, M.

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First Time Mom of 1 Week Old Baby Boy!

Los Angeles, CA

Help!!! I'm 40yrs old, first time mom of a (one week old) Baby Boy. Please, I need advise from all of the wonderful moms that have gone through the same thing of having a baby at my age. I'm still confused about: How many min./hours a new born usually sleeps during the day/night? How often to breastfeed and for how long? Is it okay to give some formula (at least once) at night so mommy can get some rest? Is it okay to let him sleep 3hrs or more during the day without breastfeeding? Also, I'm having a hard time staying awake at night while breastfeeding. Any words of advice/wisdom would be greatly appreciated! Thank You!!!! : )

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Freezing Breastmilk

Chicago, IL

I have been freezing breastmilk in my basement deep freezer (3-4 degrees F) just to store it up to have on hand for my baby girl. I feel like when I thaw it it smells a little weird. Maddie drinks it, so it can't be sour, right? But there are little white particles floating in it and then the smell is weird. When I smeel my newly pumped milk it doesn't smell like anything, so why does this frozen milk smell? I pump and freeze in Lanisoh bags, freeze, store and thaw according to package instructions...a friend told me that my baby wouldn't drink it if it was bad...please someone set my mind at ease! Thank you!

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Fussing at Daycare

St. Cloud, MN

My daycare asked me this morning how long I plan to nurse my son who is now 7 months old. My goal was 6 months, but I am doing well with nursing as well as pumping milk for him for daycare. He has been fussy for about 2 weeks as far as I can remember. She said today for about a month and a half, I must have missed something. She feels that the reason she can't calm him is he wants to nurse/wants mom. That may be true, I don't know. Any suggestions if he is crying for mom at daycare?? I don't want to stop nursing for that reason alone, especially if he wants me, yet I don't want him to be miserable at daycare everyday either. He is there 6 hours a day, but in Jan, two of his days will be 9 hours and the other 3 days he will be there 6 hours. Any advice would be great!! Thanks

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Fussy When Breastfeeding

San Francisco, CA

My baby boy is 14 weeks now. Since last week, he starts to be fussy when breastfeeding. He's hungry and I feed him, after 5 minutes, he starts to get fussy. He drags my nipple which makes me unconfortable and turns red in the face. Then I stop the feeding and later he has a poo with gas. And I feed him again and fussy again and stop again. But there is not a poo or gas everytime after the fussy. It seemed that he has a difficult bowel movement when he's nursing. I'm afraid he can't get enough milk in this kind of feeding situation. Before that, I used 20 to 30 minutes to feed him. Now it's only 5 minutes, maximum 10 minutes. Is there anyone have the same or similar situation? Is he fussy because of the bowel movement or something else? What Should I do with that? Thank you very much.

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Gassy Baby?

Washington DC, VA

HI Everyone. I am a new mom with a 3 week old. I heard that breastfed babies don't need to be burped as much as bottle fed babies, but mine definitely needs it after every feeding. I've also noticed that he squirms a lot in his sleep like he's trying to pass gas. Is this a latching problem where he's swallowing air or is it the food I'm eating? I know raw vegetables and spicy foods can make a the baby gassy, but I'm not eating anything like that... He just looks so uncomfortable while he sleeps. He grunts and squirms. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can help him? Thanks!

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Get 7 Month Old to Eat Baby Food

Birmingham, AL

My daughter is soon to be 7 months old. I am nursing her and she seems to want to eat every 2-3 hours. That may be normal, I don't know. But I am trying to introduce baby food to her. I have skipped over cereals because she has thrown up rice and oatmeal cereals to the point of gagging herself. Usually by the time she is hungry, she is crying and doesn't want to eat the baby food, she would rather nurse. Today I tried giving her breast milk in a bottle and then feeding her baby food. That didn't work either. I am just trying to keep from having to feed her so often or is this normal time frame. I have never been able to get her to nurse on both sides at one feeding which is what I've heard is the suggested way to do it. It's possible that she is nursing to the point of pacifying herself. And that's a whole other issue I have with her. She is also waking up in the middle of the night and wants to nurse. Is this normal at her age? Thanks in advance for your advice. I didn't have these issues with my son, because he was on formula.

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Getting Back to Breastfeeding After Missing a Few Days

New York, NY

My little guy and I had a great start to breastfeeding and he's growing like a champ to prove it! Unfortunately, I had to have emergency gall bladder surgery over the weekend which left him eating formula for 5 days (supplemented with the little bit of breast milk I was able to pump and send home from the hospital). Now that I'm home and getting back to exclusively breastfeeding I'm afraid I'm not going to get up to my former amount. I pumped at the hospital trying to keep my supply up but was never able to get more than 3 oz at a pumping session (and I know he eats lots more than that). My little guy has seemed crabby since I've been home - he's on the breast almost constantly (which I don't mind if it gets my supply back up) but he fusses a lot too. I think part of the problem is getting the rest of the formula out of his system (his tummy is making lots of noise and he seems pretty uncomfortable). I don't want to give him formula because I know breastfeeding is a whole supply/demand thing. I'm trying to drink Mother's Milk tea but it's pretty nasty. I just want to make sure I'm doing everything I can to keep exclusively breastfeeding my little man! Any other suggestions?

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Getting Enough Milk?

San Francisco, CA

My daughter is just about 4 months old and i just went back to work a few weeks ago. Im only working four hour days four days a week. Im pumping twice at work just to make sure i keep the flow! But Im worried that Im not making enough. Im only getting about 2 to 3oz a time and am worried that she needs more or should be eating more. I know all about supply and demand but it just seems like she should be eating more. She finishes her bottles and usually goes about 2 hours before wanting to eat again and is having plenty of wet and soiled diapers. Ive just started drinking mothers milk tea and pumping at night after she goes down to see if that makes any difference. Am i just worrying for nothing?

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Getting in Enough Feedings

Chicago, IL

My baby is seven weeks old and has started sleeping six hours at night. I know in the beginning you should get at least 8 feedings in a day but how do you do that as they get older and start sleeping longer? Will my supply drop if she is not nursing 8 times a day? Thanks for your advice.

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Getting Infant to Take a Paci

Dallas, TX

Any advice on getting an infant to take a paci? My 6 week old daughter will not take a paci, but wants to suckle on my breast before falling asleep...I am becoming a human pacifier...this is a real issue when someone watches her for me. I have tried many differnt types, but she doesn't like any of them...help!

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Getting My Daughter to Take a Bottle Consistantly

Columbus, OH

My daughter is 11 weeks old and has been pretty much strictly breastfed. I have in the past couple of weeks been trying to have my husband give her bottles of expressed milk to get her ready to go to my babysitters. She has done pretty good until this past Friday night she screamed until she wore herself out then slept until I came home and nursed her. My question is I have Avent,playtex,and evenflo bottles are there any out there that would maybe work better for her? My two other children switched from breast to bottle with no problem what so ever I guess number three is going to be my problem child!!!!

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