Business Details

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Young Living Essential Oils/Ki Gathering Natural Health & Wellness

0 reviews
  • 2738 Alyssa Dr.
    Naperville, IL 60565
  • (630) 235-8824

Business description (provided by the business owner):

Located in Naperville, a Chicago suburb, Ki Gathering is dedicated to encouraging people to take responsibility for their own health care in as natural and non-invasive way as possible. Our founder, has an MS degree in Health Education and is studying to become a Dr. of Oriental Medicine. We currently offer complimentary consultations for essential oils and oil-infused products. We also provide health, nutrition and wellness counseling and workshops, as well as Reiki, Reflexology, detoxifiying footbaths and raindrop therapy. Healing with biblical oils, stones and vibration/sound therapy are also our areas of expertise. For information e-mail us at [email protected] or check out our website:

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