Business Details

Mamapedia is a free, local online mother’s community. Below is a real Business Listing with genuine reviews from Mamapedia Moms.

0 reviews
  • Huntington Beach, CA 92648
  • (714) 296-1144

Business description (provided by the business owner):

I'd like to welcome you to Beach Baby Vintage. This company is born from the passion and love that I have for children and fashion. The concept is simple. I travel and use my networks to find the best in baby vintage clothes. Then with each purchase you make, a portion of the proceeds goes to support various children's charities. So I offer you value and style, and together we recycle and make a difference in children's lives. And since children will always continue to grow up too fast, we can continue this relationship, recycling and giving back. When your child outgrows the clothing, you simply return anything that is still wearable and I'll credit you 25% towards your next purchase. I hope you and your child will enjoy wearing these clothes as much as I've enjoyed discovering them.

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