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Lullabelly Prenatal Music Belt

2 reviews
  • P.O. Box 221693
    Denver, CO 80222
  • (800) 592-1334

Business description (provided by the business owner):

There really is nothing like Lullabelly ( on the market today. It's perfect for any expectant mother, and makes an ideal baby shower gift.

The Lullabelly Prenatal Music Belt is designed for an expectant mother to safely and comfortably play music (lullabies, audio books, or any prerecorded sounds) to her baby in the womb. Simply plug Lullabelly into an iPod, iPhone, CD or MP3 player. We also include a dual earphone adapter and earphones…so mom can listen too!

Forget about stretching a headset across your belly. It’s clumsy and nearly impossible to listen along to the same music while playing it for a baby in the womb.

Now there’s Lullabelly! The modern mom’s way to play music to her baby in the womb.

In addition to the pure fun and enjoyment of playing music to a baby in the womb, there are a number of long-lasting educational benefits for the baby. For an unborn infant, music also prepares the ear, body and brain to listen, and to integrate and produce language sounds. Plus familiar music captures the attention of infants after birth and relaxes them, particularly when they are cranky or tired.

Lullabelly was designed with a baby’s safety in mind. At its maximum level, the Lullabelly speaker generates a safe decibel level similar to the volume level of a normal conversation or a telephone dial tone. For added safety, Lullabelly has a built-in volume control dial, so regardless of the music player being used, the expectant mother can separately control the volume of the music to her baby.

Reviews from 2 Moms

Rated Five Stars by a Mom in Littleton, CO on Sep. 24, 2009

My husband actually bought me a Lullabelly online ( I never heard of it before so naturally I was skeptical that it would actually work, but the minute I put it on and started playing music I could tell my baby liked it. She was moving around and we had fun feeling her kick. I think she was dancing in there. I had heard that playing music to a baby in the womb is actually good for them and not harmful when done correctly. I like the fact that Lullabelly uses a safe volume level speaker, and I can plug in my own earphones and listen along at my own sound level. I highly recommend getting a Lullabelly. You and your baby with love it.

Rated Five Stars by a Mom in Denver, CO on Sep. 15, 2009

I received Lullabelly as a baby shower gift and absolutley loved it. It was so much fun playing music to my baby when I was pregnant. Even better that I could listen along with my own headphones, so I played the music that I like. I could get up and move around, instead of the old fashion way of holding headphones on my belly. My baby seemed to love the music he heard in my womb, and he really seems to recognize the music and relax when I play the same music in his crib. It's fabulous!

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