Business Details

Mamapedia is a free, local online mother’s community. Below is a real Business Listing with genuine reviews from Mamapedia Moms.

Lia Sophia

0 reviews
  • Marietta, GA 30062
  • (770) 876-4601

Business description (provided by the business owner):

I work minimum hrs. when I want to throwing jewelry parties and through web orders. I'm blessed enough to make GREAT pay and this allows me to stay home with my boys. This is an exceptional opportunity for anyone and VERY convieniant for stay at home mommies! If your curious to know what GREAT pay is, want help starting your own home buisness, or info. on how to earn hundreds in free jewelry by hosting a party feel free to call or shoot me an e-mail! Be sure to leave your contact info. and the best time to reach you. Take Care!

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