Business Details

Mamapedia is a free, local online mother’s community. Below is a real Business Listing with genuine reviews from Mamapedia Moms.

Land Befour School Daycare

0 reviews
  • 2943 Gaines Road
    Albion, NY 14411
  • (585) 283-4150

Business description (provided by the business owner):

I run a Licensed Group Family Daycare out of my home, I have been doing daycare for about 6 yrs. now. I love children and have three of my own, My husband works out of our home. We live in Orleans County.
I am currently looking to hire an assistant. I need someone available for school days off and to work for summer. Possibly some afternoons as well. If you kow anyone please have them send me an email or give me a call. I have 11 children at the present time with one full time position open. Thanks for taking the time to read. Have a great day!


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