Business Details

Mamapedia is a free, local online mother’s community. Below is a real Business Listing with genuine reviews from Mamapedia Moms.


0 reviews
  • 115 Middle St
    Bridgeport, CT 06604

Business description (provided by the business owner): is the eco-friendly, economically sound choice for clothing your growing child. Children may wear an outfit a
few times, then it no longer fits. You may even have new items that still have tags. These items are taking up precious space. Why not de-clutter and swap for clothing that fits in return, without buying more? Or write off your donation to our partner charity. You won't have to post a classified ad or deal with strangers. We do all the work for you. You send us your gently used items and we send you items you can actually use! When your children outgrow those items, as long as they are still in excellent condition, simply swap them again to continue the cycle. The average family spends an estimated $350-500 a year on clothing (per child) from age 0-11. Less waste, more money in your pocket. It's that simple.

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