Dance/Gymnastics For 6 Year Old Boy

Updated on April 20, 2013
R.W. asks from Littleton, CO
9 answers

My 6 year old would really like to take dance and gymnastics. He did a class about a year ago and liked it, but we are at the stage where he is recognizing he is usually the only boy. We've tried sports (and he is doing some), but he really wants to do dance. Anyone have any suggestions in the Highlands Ranch/Lone Tree area for where we could do something like this? He doesn't want ballet-he just likes to listen to music and dance. I would prefer something not too expensive, just want him to have fun and be involved in something he enjoys, and not judged or made to feel bad for being interested in dance.

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answers from Denver on

I saw a little boy in one of the classes where my daughter takes dance just this week! She goes to Dance Kaleidoscope in Greenwood Village, off Arapahoe. We live in Highlands Ranch and it takes 10-15 minutes depending on traffic. They do have a Hip Hop class there and i believe a couple of male teachers there as well. The owner, Debbie, has a passion for dance and a heart for kids - she also choreographs the kids every year in Magic Moments, which is an organization that puts on a show integrating those with special needs and professional actors - it's very cool!

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answers from Denver on


South Suburban Parks and Rec. has hip hop classes at Lone Tree Rec. Center. They are winding down for the summer, but will start back up in september I think. My daughter has done the lessons and there have been a lot of boys in the classes. Also, at Goodson Rec. Center they have a boys gymnastics program just for boys and even Parkour, although that is mixed.
There are very reasonably priced compared to the gymnastics gyms and the dance studios.

A new gymnastics session starts next week. I believe it is an hour long and for 6 weeks, if you are a resident it runs about $68.00 and non resident is $75.00. I could be very skewed in my numbers, it may vary from that.

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answers from Green Bay on

I am a former dancer (hence my screen name!) and I applaud you for wanting to foster his interest! There will be obstacles being the only boy in a dance class, but there will also be perks!

When I was in HS, there were a couple of my friends brothers who would come and be guest dancers for some of our shows and they were the HIT of the studio! :-)

To be more serious though - Keep encouraging him. Look for classes in Hip Hop, Jazz, or Tap. He is getting to an age where he MIGHT be the only boy in the class. Some studios offer Boys Only classes - and they throw some more "cool" tricks in those, like breakdancing, etc. If you are looking for something not serious, try a local YMCA. Or maybe even a local gym that has a Family Zumba class.

If he is worried about being judged or teased, encourage him to watch So You Think You Can Dance this summer. Or Dancing With the Stars now - although SYTYCD I think has more styles of dance and showcases males in many different styles rather than just ballroom styles in DWTS. Comment on all the cool things/tricks the guys are doing and how most of them have a very athletic build.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I think it is hard on the little guys when it's like this. My grandson is the only boy in his dance classes. The only other boy is an older teen and he teaches the boys hip hop class which is quite full. He has over a dozen boys in his class. They are doing a classy gangster (20's style) dance in recital.

I think that if you can find a studio that has a boys class for something even if it is a year or so away that will give him something to look forward to. It will also be incentive for other boys his age to take the general classes.

I hope you find something for him. If you nurture this in him now he'll be able to enjoy this for his whole life. My grandson throws himself down on the floor and starts break dancing all over the place. He just can't stand still when good music is on.

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answers from Washington DC on

Boys who dance get a LOT of positive encouragement and attention from dance studios who really want boys to come into their programs!

Look for a studio that offers (as Dancin Momma said) jazz, tap and hip-hop but I would also say if you find one that has those plus ballet, it indicates a studio where they are really well grounded in the basics, even if your son himself does not take ballet (though he might want to once he sees it up close). See if you can find an all-boys dance class in any form of dance -- that often helps younger boys feel more comfortable but those classes can be hard to find. A studio with at least one male teacher is nice too. Our studio has two men who are teachers for modern and ballet and I know it makes the boys (we have only a few, alas) feel like they have great role models.

Please do have him watch dancing shows. Get some videos of the great tap dancer Savion Glover -- they're out there for rent. Rent a video of the dance show "Stomp" which he will adore. He might even like the dance sequences from Gene Kelly films -- he combined ballet and modern and ballroom and tap styles in a very masculine and graceful way.

A very cheap way to expose your son to dance is to take him to recitals and shows by local dance schools! Most will have spring shows and recitals in May or June -- call around and check the local papers and look for flyers in your area. Take him. You could check in advance and see if there are guys dancing -- if your son sees only girls up there he might not be thrilled but if a program has boys in it he would be inspired.

Guys dance too. I really wish your son could see some of the teenage male dancers I've seen around here, or my daughter's modern dance teacher who is a professional dancer (and as it happens, a guy).

I'll briefly share: My friend's son (now grown) took ballet for several years right iinto middle school. One day he was getting teased by his baseball teammates about ballet. The coach stepped in and said,, "Who has the most stolen bases on this team?" Well, my friend's son did; he was a great stealer. "That's because he can stretch almost from one base to the next one and he can do that because he takes ballet. So unless YOU guys can do that, I never want to hear you mess with him about dance again." A great story for whenever a boy is getting flak for dancing!

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answers from Colorado Springs on

My son wanted to do gymnastics. After visiting Aerial Gymnastics we saw a Parkour class or Free running. this class has a lot of boys in it and uses a lot of gymnastic skills. He loves it! If the Gymnastic Gym you were at doesn't offer it try another gym.



answers from Pueblo on

Sorry I don't have a specific studio in mind, but what about hip-hop dancing? My friend has. a 6-yr old boy who loves it. The girls outnumber the boys, but there are a handful of boys in the class too. I believe they add some tumbling to the mix as kids become more advanced.



answers from Denver on

My son is 4.5yrs and he goes to dance most weeks and has done for 18mths. Half the class is tap and half creative movement ballet. He is the only boy in the class and it has never bothered him. He has wanted to wear ballet dresses like the girls because they are fun and beautiful. So I bought a pair of Gwen stafani glittery black stretchy pants from target and he made his own dance tee from a $1 Walmart tee and iron on transfers. Now he never asks to wear dresses!
Maybe start with tap because its so fun to make noise and the moves are more energetic. Then try a dance teacher who teaches creative movement with emphais on ballet. rather than formal ballet lessons. Consignment stores and dance teachers usually have used tap and ballet shoes for around $7 a pair.
I love that my son is taking dance and really enjoys it. It annoys me that people have to assign a gender to a sport! I see little kids as young as 4 being self conscious of there bodies at yoga classes or birthday dance parties. Dancing feels's fun, social, requires discipline on and on.
I've learned with kids that its much better for everyone's happiness and wAllet to let the child decide what they want to participate in rather than the parents deciding what they should like.

Plus as a teen he will be one of only a few boys who has the dance back ground to do cheer. Guess which boy is envied when he is off to cheer comps to hang out with fit cute semi naked teenage girls! That put a swift end to the dance teachers 14yr old sons teasing.


My son is 4.5yrs and he goes to dance most weeks and has done for 18mths. Half the class is tap and half creative movement ballet. He is the only boy in the class and it has never bothered him. He has wanted to wear ballet dresses like the girls because they are fun and beautiful. So I bought a pair of Gwen stafani glittery black stretchy pants from target and he made his own dance tee from a $1 Walmart tee and iron on transfers. Now he never asks to wear dresses!
Maybe start with tap because its so fun to make noise and the moves are more energetic. Then try a dance teacher who teaches creative movement with emphais on ballet. rather than formal ballet lessons. Consignment stores and dance teachers usually have used tap and ballet shoes for around $7 a pair.
I love that my son is taking dance and really enjoys it. It annoys me that people have to assign a gender to a sport! I see little kids as young as 4 being self conscious of there bodies at yoga classes or birthday dance parties. Dancing feels's fun, social, requires discipline on and on.
I've learned with kids that its much better for everyone's happiness and wAllet to let the child decide what they want to participate in rather than the parents deciding what they should like.

Plus as a teen he will be one of only a few boys who has the dance back ground to do cheer. Guess which boy is envied when he is off to cheer comps to hang out with fit cute semi naked teenage girls! That put a swift end to the dance teachers 14yr old sons teasing.



answers from Denver on

For gymnastics, I suggest your rec center. My 4 year old did gymnastics camp last summer and he was not the only boy. And if he wants to dance, but doesn't want to do ballet, the rec centers usually offer hip hop.

And for what it's worth, if he does decide he wants to do ballet, I suggest you teach him about he has a VERY masculine and famous dancer he can talk about if anyone wants to give him a hard time.

Good luck!

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