Yucky Neck....

Updated on August 14, 2008
M.D. asks from Orange, CA
40 answers

my son sweats alot underneath his neck and it starts to smell. even if he gets a bath later in the day or the next it will start to smell. sometimes he even gets a rash. we've taken him to the doctors for the rashes and the doctor says there nothing we can do just maybe just baby powder to try it up so his neck doesnt rub against eachother. but is there anything i can do for him the smell?? i'll try anything.

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answers from Los Angeles on


This is the product I use and it is AMAZING. It works fast. I use it under my baby's arms, neck, and for her diaper area.



answers from Los Angeles on

Caldoscent baby powder. Pink container. Works great. Just keep a dry baby cloth handy and dab his neck occasionaly. No worries.



answers from San Diego on

I haven't read the responses you got, so I apologize if you get duplicates from me...

Baby powder is a good idea. It will help keep the area dry and it has a nice smell too.

If the baby powder isn't working, then try cornstarch. It works really good, too. In fact, they have baby powders now that contain corn starch, so maybe start with that.

Other than that, I would say, whenever you change his diaper wipe under his neck with a baby wipe and then re-powder. Frequently cleaning and powdering should help with the rash and the smell. Plus, I bet he'll be a whole lot more comfortable too.

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answers from Los Angeles on

My daughter had the same thing and I used Callendula cream every time I bathed her, right when I dried her off, it seemed to work really well and it cleared up the rash. You can get it at Henry's Markets or Mother's Market. If you are near a Wholefoods Market, they will have it too.

Good luck and I just want to tell you that you should be very proud of yourself, your baby is a very lucky little boy!!

God bless you,

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answers from San Diego on

Congrats on your baby and finishing school! The baby powder suggestion is good. You may already do this, but everytime your baby eats you could put a bib on him. A lot of times that smell is from milk that has run down to the crack of thier neck, and then stinks (: After he eats you could wipe his neck with a little wipey to get a clean slate. My daughter is really chunky and it was impossible to get to her neck. We would have to get creative.......but it works.

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answers from San Diego on

How old is your son?

I know both my kids when they were infants used to have the yucky neck, especially in hot weather.

All you can do is put a little cornstarch powder under there everyday and just wipe it clean with a warm wash cloth a few times a day to get the "cottage cheese" stuff out from under it.

I wouldn't worry about it harming your baby. It's just with the constant rubbing of the skin under their chins that causes it. Once he grows a neck and loses his baby double chin, it will go away.

It just smells gross. My daughter would get the same thing behind her knees and in her armpits. Can you tell she was a chubby baby or what???:). She is now 1 and there is no more yucky neck, or armpit or behind the knees.

Congrats on graduating!

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answers from Las Vegas on

Hi M.,

Let me first congratulate you on the birth of your baby and commend you for completing high school. Your decision to complete your education, go to college and obtain a career while having a young child will not be easy but will be rewarding. And you'll be teaching your son by example the value of tenacity, perserverance and goal-setting. By trying to work to balance your family with your education, you will be developing character and will know just how strong you really are and those are two qualities that you can buy off of a supermarket shelf; they must be earned. So, now that I am done with that little pep talk . . .

It sounds like your son has a little problem with yeast going on in the folds of his neck. Yeast growth occurs and when you have skin that has been moist for a while. Treating it is as simple of buying a tube of yeast cream (Monostat) from your local grocery store and applying it to the affected area until it clears up. After that, try to keep the area dry as much as possble by lightly dusting it with baby powder with cornstarch a couple of times throughout the day. I don't think I caught how old your son is now but I would check with your pediatrician first before applying the yeast cream just in case. If your pediatrician still thinks that there's no problem, even with the smell and the rash, and doesn't recommend a course of treatment, I would suggest that you find a new pediatrician. Just my personal opinion.

Good luck with your son and everything else.


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answers from San Diego on

This happened with my kids too. I just used a wet wipe every so often to clean their neck. Then they would smell like wet wipes.
You could try vaseline to keep the moisture away from his skin. This would also act as a lubricante to prevent the rubbing on his neck.
I used vaseline to prevent diaper rash, so it should work to prevent rashes on his neck. Just clean and dry his neck and then apply the vaseline.

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answers from Honolulu on

This is common among chubby babies which they all are. Just keep a wet cloth with you in a zip lock bag and wash under the folds of his neck. It will smell and become raw if you don't keep the area clean and dry. You will have to lift his neck up and back gently to make sure you get the area really clean. Put a little bit of powder on the area. Just make sure you give him a bath every night so the area won't get raw. The more he grows the more he will loss the baby fat.

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answers from Los Angeles on

get it very very dry and then put A&D on it to protect the dryness and avoid the rash.



answers from Los Angeles on

My daughter had that too when she was only a few months old (she's almost 2 now). The doctor recommended Cortizone cream-it comes in a tube - you can purchase it at any drug store. It worked great-got rid of the rash-



answers from Los Angeles on

Try using some medicated powder... like Gold Bond. Just be sure to use it sparingly and don't let him inhale it. I have the same issue (under my breasts), and use it often.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi M.,
My 6 week old daughter has the same problem. The medicine the doctor gave us, did'nt work at all. However I founf something that works better. I just wash her neck 3-4 times a day with warm soapy water and let it air dry. Then every time I change her diapers, I put cornstarch on a cotton ball and apply it to her neck. I use the cornstarch you bake with, not baby cornstarch. It seems to be going away and no longer smells. I was told if you add mositure to the neck it just makes it worst, so you have to find something to help dry it out. I hope this helps for you. Good luck with it.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi M.,

It looks like you've gotten a lot of good avdvice about Jael's neck. I just wanted to say congratulations to you and Jonathan on the birth of your son. My son, Aaron was born a little over six weeks premature and I had to be on bed-rest too. I know how hard that is for you and for him. I remember my husband, Roger, being SO upset because there's really nothing they can do beyond being there for you. I'm so glad to hear that Jonathan was and still is.

I wish the three of you every happiness as you begin your lives together. If you can handle three months on bed-rest, you can handle nursing school. Set your mind to do it and you CAN! Good luck!




answers from San Luis Obispo on

I think it is more that his milk or formula might be getting caught in the folds of his neck and the bacteria from the milk is causing the smell. I just told my daughter today to try using an all cotton bib each time she breastfeeds her little one and see if that soaks up the excess milk. Of course, it would have to be removed right away. You could also try wiping his neck after each feeding with a gentle baby wipe or damp washcloth and adding the cornstarch or powder after cleaning the area. We have found that a gel with CALENDULA (you can find them in healthfood stores) in it helps with the rash right away. Good luck! L.



answers from Los Angeles on

I also used Aquaphor on my daughter's neck after it was clean and dry after the bath and it got rid of the redness and protected her skin. Don't know about the smell, because my daughter's neck was just irritated, but I bet this will help. Good luck!



answers from Santa Barbara on

I've read what Heather A mentioned too, about baby powder being potentially harmful to babies' lungs, and for that reason I mostly avoided it with my daughter. However, as with just about any potentially harmful thing, including lead exposure, there has to be A LOT of exposure. Using baby powder for something like this is fine, it's not going to last forever and the exposure is minimal. Just be careful not to squeeze the bottle and let the really fine stuff fly out everywhere. Just put a bit on your hand and then put it on the baby. Personally, I can't stand the smell of baby powder, it makes me gasp. My guess is plain old cornstarch like you'd use for thickening gravies would work just as well. No scent added!



answers from San Diego on

The same thing happened with my first baby. He was a chunk and most babies have no neck to speak of when they're that young. He was getting rashes so we tried Vitamin A&D ointment, but it wasn't helping. So we switched to using cornstarch powder and that was the trick. We had to sprinkle it on there several times a day (I think we did it with every diaper change). Cover his face when you apply the powder so he does not inhale it, and you can roll a small towel to put under his neck to stretch out the neck a little to help get the powder in between the folds. My baby HATED that, but they don't like diaper changes much at that age either and it must be done! Just find whatever way works best to get the powder in all the folds, getting an extra hand from Daddy may be helpful, too. It may be a constant battle until he gets older and his neck stretches out a little. Also, using a bib to help keep the neck dry while he is feeding will help keep excess moisture out of there.



answers from Los Angeles on

all 3of my kids had that at 1 point or another--and i recomend trying everything-1 at a time...

cornstarch powder
diaper rash cream
aquaphor type thick lotion
lotrim (or some other anti yeast thing)

personally, i think it takes a awhile for anything to work. it needs to stay dry. my 3rd got so bad she was raw and oozy-she needed a script for some steroid cream-and that cleaned it up after 1 application. what ever she had was some how related to cradle cap. but, the stink thing sounds like spoiled milk-or a yeast infection.



answers from San Diego on

My son had that too. Wash him every day, alternating soap one day and just water the next. Just make sure you are drying him thoroughly too.
My son was VERY chunky and those folds really harbor bacteria well. A little powder during the day might help too, just be sure to wash it out every day.

Good luck



answers from Los Angeles on

Milk can also get in there, I just wipe it after my little one eats with a butt wipe! : ) I also use a product called unpetroleum made by Alba and if she gets a little rash I put a tiny on there. It goes away in a day or so. Stuff is great for preventing diaper rash as well. My little one has never had it, I use that at night in case she pees. You can get it at Henry's. Good luck.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hello, Well last summer one of my sons had the same problem. Nothing really helped and as it got worse it turned red and even ickyer... He already had this powder for his g-tube site(feeding tube) I started sprinkling it all over his neck and a few days GONE! I used it pretty much everyday and it never came back :-) You might need a prescription for it, not sure if its avalible over the counter at walmart or savon.... But its called Polysporin Powder. Its an Antibactrial powder. Im pretty sure the smell/ and redness is a sign of infection or a start of one. Hope it helps!



answers from Las Vegas on

My son has the same problem. I use a little dab of Desitin and it takes care of the wetness and the rash. My pediatrician recommended this when I had my daughter. Good luck!



answers from San Diego on

My daughter gets the same thing mainly because milk or spit up drips down her neck and gets caught in the crease. It does SMELL bad sometimes, but I just make sure to clean it with a warm washcloth and dry it with a dry washcloth. I mentioned it to my pediatrician and she recommended Lotrimin. I haven't used that yet since I am able to keep it clean throughout the day.



answers from Los Angeles on

First of all, congratulations on finishing high school. Secondly, I encourage you to go to nursing school. It is a great career that pays well and has very great 12 hour shifts that will allow you to work and take care of your child. As an RN myself (L&D for 10 yrs) I enjoy what I do and still am able to care for my 18 month old daughter! As for your son, especiallly in this HOT and HUMID weather it is important to keep babies cool and hydrated. Children will sweat and unfortunately, the neck is a gathering place for dirt because of its location with folds, and unable to get air dry when wet especially because of baby fat. Try aveeno lotion during the day and at night. The oatmeal in it help avoid skin irritation and it dies quickly but moisturisez as well. Also give him a bath using Aveeno products like hair/body gel. Most importantly, don't rub vigorously because it will hurt and possibly irritate the neck skin/folds. I am concerned that powder will only become pasty after a short time, especially with this humidity and will be difficult to softly wipe off, mentioning again irritating the skin. As for the smell, try to keep the area dry, don't apply strong scented lotions, and wipe often but gently if the neck gets dirty. Apply only a little amount of aveeno lotion because you do not want to over moistureise the area. Good luck to you.



answers from San Diego on

I don't think I would use a powder as the child will inhale and it will get into his lungs.

I found this online by someone else:
When my daughter had that problem from drooling I was told by her doctor to use Eucerin Creme but it has to be the Creme not the regular lotion. It worked wonders and I swear by it now, i've even used it when she would start to get a diaper rash and none of the other medicated cremes worked. It has no fragrance or dyes so it doesn't usually cause allergic reactions.

Maybe this will work.

Congratulations on finishing school! I think that becoming a registered nurse is an awesome goal! Especially now that there is a nursing shortage. They make a LOT of money now a days!!! My girlfriend is one and the pay is there!!!



answers from Los Angeles on

Dear M.,
I honestly don't know about what kind of special problem your son has to produce such symtoms but here are some ideas that might help.
1)Try "Dr Bronner's" Peppermint soap for bathing( this soap contains menthol which gives a refreshing light stimulation to the skin)
2)Your child is young enough not to feel unfashionable with a soft pure cotton scarf-like cloth around his neck to soak up persperation. Children or Adults can have serious skin problems when the skin touches itself for periods of time or doesnt "breathe". When cotton is dampened, it has a cooling effect through evaporation.
3)Baking soda and water can be very good for "bad" smells.
Anyway, try to have a good, cool, frequently bathed summer!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi M.!
I am so proud of you! Being a young mom is so hard and having to go through the bedrest and having a preemie is extremely stressful! I had 65 days in the hospital in labor and then had a 6 week preemie - he was in the NICU for 8 weeks and I stayed in the NICU with him. I lived at the hospital for months! I then accidentally got pregnant with my 4th when he was only 5 months old. I had him premature as well. To see you went back to school and have goals is wonderful!! I just wanted to say - "way to go" as I know first hand how hard this all is! I have 4 boys. On your neck issue - my doctor had me put some women's Dove Antiperspirant (deodorant) under my baby's neck. I also have done this on my c-section scar - it really helps! It prevents the sweating and smells great! Hope this tip helps - you have gotten some other great ones too!
Good luck! Keep up the good work!
Giggle Moon Photography



answers from Los Angeles on

Try Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder with talcum. It should help with the smell. It would be a good idea that every time you change him also clean his neck with a washcloth and then apply the powder. NEVER apply directly! The powder can get into his lungs and cause serious breathing problems. Sprinkle the powder into your hand and apply with your hand.

My last child out of 5 drooled constantly for most of his first 2 years and it all went down his chin and under it. Not a nice smell. But the powder w/talcum helped with the rash and the smell at the same time.

Good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

My son has the same problem...the only thing that is working for us is putting baby powder or corn starch under his neck after I give him a bath. Need to make sure the area is really dry. I have found I have to give him a bath every night or the smell comes back. He also gets the smell under his arms.
I think this will go away once all the rolls go away...hopefully!!



answers from Las Vegas on

Hi M.!
I had the same irritation and stinky problem with my son at 4 months. His chubby little neck was a collection spot for sweat and breastmilk. I had to tilt his head back at a 90 degree angle to clean several times a day. I found out that he had developed a little yeast infection in the folds of his neck and used a little nystain (prescription cream) to clear it up. After it cleared up, I kept the area dabbed with a little bit of Aquaphor to keep it protected. Since the doctor didn't say anything about yeast, I'd try the Aquaphor.



answers from Los Angeles on

My son was a chubby baby as well. Besides bathing him everyday I used baby wipes at least once or twice a day, always died the area after and applied baby powder. That helped. All you can do is stay very aware of the problem and be very proactive about making sure that his rolls stay clean, as dry as possible and powdered. Also, with powdering a baby that close to their face, put it in your hand first and then apply careful to avoid getting it in his face.



answers from Los Angeles on

HI there,

My 5 month old daughter had the same thing- there was white puss like stuff and redness all around. The doc gave me hydrocortisone and it made it worse! The only thing that worked was cornstarch! Buy it at the store, it's like $3.00 and it's the best, all natural cure. You can even use it for diaper rash.



answers from Los Angeles on





answers from Los Angeles on

Hi M., I am not a doctor but I have heard that baby powder is not good for young babies because it can get into their lungs when it"poofs" out of the bottle. My youngest had the same thing especially in the summer months. I just wiped her neck and under her chin and in all of her other little fat folds with a soft damp washcloth(no baby wipes because that can irritate the rash) and put this ointment (You can get it in any drug store) called Aquaphor on it . It helped tremendously. And it's helped the rash disappear rather quickly. Hope this helps, H.



answers from Reno on

Are you sure it isn't spit up collecting in the folds of his neck? That's what was happening with my daughter and it was smelly. I would try cleaning in between the roles as much as possible and use a diaper cream for the rash. My daughter hated me touching her roles, so it was hard keeping it cleaned.
Good luck,
S. g.



answers from Los Angeles on

This may be a repeat, but I haven't gone through the replies yet. I saw that a couple people said to wash his neck during diaper changes. That is what I was also going to suggest, but I wanted to add... Make sure it's also dry before applying the baby powder. So clean it with a baby wipe or a washcloth and then dry it with a towel, then apply the baby powder. No point in creating extra moisture first.



answers from Los Angeles on

Do you have him wear a bib? it would help to soak up the various fluids that can collect under his neck. Also check behind his ears, my DD also had neck odor and found that I had missed the spot behind her ear (probably not the problem, but thought I'd mention it).
You might also take a baby wipe or wet washcloth and wipe up after every feeding since it's most likely either b/milk or formula that's collecting under there.
Be careful w/ the powder too since it can be easily inhaled.
I think lavendar is a natural antibacterial and since most odor is cause by bacteria you could also try a lotion (I LOVE the one by Aveeno) with lavendar, the Aveeno also has oatmeal in it which is great for the skin.



answers from San Diego on

Hi M.,

Try to keep it dry. His sweat, plus drool, and/or milk will attract dirt/dust and create that "cheesy" smell. We use her wipes throughout the day to clean out the folds of her neck. If the skin is irritated, we apply aquaphor on it with a q-tip.

Good luck.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi M.,

Sometimes when you feed your baby the milk from the bottle runs down the cheeks and gets in the folds of the skin around the neck. That could be causing the smell??? Maybe just try cleaning in the folds of the neck after each feeding with a warm wash cloth and baby soap and see if that's where the smell is coming from. Good luck!

A. S

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