Photo by: GoodNCrazy

Paying Your Child? Here are Six Ways to do it

Photo by: GoodNCrazy

How do you pay your child allowance? Do you have a system? Do you make the kid work? It’s time to start teaching my five year old about how money works, so the inquiry is in many of my conversations. I’ve heard good ideas and crazy ideas, and those that are well meaning but that propagate the very credit mess the world is in now. Here are a few tips I’ve compiled from the journey. If you have your own, please add them to the comments!

1. Free Money Sets Up Future Disaster
A friend of mine has a generous allowance system for her six year-old: he does chores that add up to certain sums, and at the end of the week, she matches what he earned dollar for dollar. Rewarding system, yes. But that method alarms me. Young kids are “wanters.” They want, mommy and daddy provide, want fulfilled. If children learn from the start that “earned income” equals “work” plus “free money,” they develop the credit card experience: “I want” plus “I can get free money for not doing anything,” and then, “Oh look, I used my credit card, so they are giving me even more money now to do and get what I want.”

2. Chores Pay
When you tie the allowance to chores, your child gets to experience the reward of working for something and getting it. Rather than offering a set amount per week, make a list of which chores earn what amount–i.e., sweep the porch = $1, wash mom’s car = $5, etc. This will help them to develop a financial goal and work toward it. If they want a new toy or to save vacation money for souvenirs for friends, they can calculate how many chores, and which ones, they can complete to meet their goal.

3. Income Covers Expenses
My parents have a letter I wrote them when I was “13-and-three-quarters years-old.” It was a pitch titled “Erin’s Expenses and Life Story.” I wanted $52 a month, an increase in my allowance at the time, because my parents system included me paying for my own expenses–things like clothing, shampoo and conditioner, teenage incidentals. I had to learn to balance my own income and outflow. If I wanted a new sweater, I wouldn’t be able to buy the shampoo and conditioner I liked. At 13 & 3/4, I discerned that I needed more to handle my expenses and itemized my proof. This method is great for older children. An incrementally increasing responsibility can be a really great element to add to a child’s allowance as he or she gets older, and begins to get a sense of what the world costs to live in it.

4. Saving Is Cool
Six to ten year-olds are not going to be buying their own shampoo. But they can learn to save the moment they start earning allowance. Teach them the practice of putting ten cents of every dollar they earn every week into a piggy bank. When they do, they get to see what is left over of their earnings (subtly training their early experience to income after expenses). They also get the joy of watching their savings grow, and to begin to understand the association of money to income isn’t solely: “I want,” thus, “I get money,” then, “I spend money.” But, rather, they learn, “I work, so I get money for trade, and part of the system is putting money into my savings account.”

5. Money Is Outside Me
Allowance can teach about so much more than just money. It can offer children the opportunity to evolve their “I-want” into a community experience. If your children are too young to work around the house to earn an allowance, consider the jar system to teach the flow of money. Label them as “Savings,” “Fun,” “Gifts for friends + Charity.” Two of these jars are directing their money outside themselves. Rather than receiving money and spending it all on their immediate desires, kids get to see how their money affects their community. Let a child choose the amount he or she puts in each jar each week, and watch the amounts shift over time, as her awareness expands.

6. Charity Feels Good
Teach your kids the intrinsic joy of what it feels like to give money away. When their charity jar is full, take them to a local mission and let them hand it to their recipient. Let them experience that moment, and ask them about it. Do they say, “I loved giving that money to a homeless family. Next time I want to give even more”? Do they find other charity interests that started from the experience of the first one? Getting kids actively saving for charity teaches them concepts of sharing, community, and lets them feel the impact their generosity–and their earning power–has on those around them.

Erin Lozano is co-founder and COO of GreenSherpa and is dedicated to inspiring women to live and spend authentically.

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My son is seven years old and has an auditory processing disability. It's just the two of us at home and he was really getting discouraged at school because he wasn't doing well. I went out and bought "fake" money with coins and dollars, made of chart of things ranging from doing extra chores to doing a practice page, to getting ready to bed on time...

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Great post! I started giving my daughter allowance when she turned 7, and we give her $7 - each year she'll get a raise. It's not tied to chores, because contributing to the household is something we do to help, not for money...but for discipline, it can be a consequence to lose allowance on any given week...

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My boys aren't old enough to implement this, but I babysat for a family years ago that had a great idea. Each kid had an allowance based on their age and a corresponding list of responsibilities as well as the opportunity to earn more for extra things. As an example the 5 year old got a dollar a week and it was paid in dimes and they had envelopes for church, long term saving, short term saving and then part for immediate spending...

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There is a problem with paying for chores - they don't go away when the money does. I found that giving some payola for extra duties worked and this practice emerged about 3rd grade - just about the time what my kids wanted began to exceed what I was willing to pay for. Then my son became a computer whiz and 14 and never had to ask for money again. Darn. He spend freely as an adult. But he also saves...

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We have never given our son, now 14 an allowance. We believe chores are part of family responsibility. I did get an allowance as a child for chores. My son has had a newspaper route since he was 9 yrs. old. This has helped him understand about earning money in the real world. He must be at least half of the check into savings, and then if he wants to spend something, it's approved by us. Several times a year he donates part of his check to charity.

My kids do chores because they are a part of the family and household and that is what families need to do. The earn an allowance because they are a part of the family and it allows them to learn about spending and saving. They are two different concepts in my house. Now, when my 9 year old wants to earn extra money, he "works" for it with additional jobs around the house. My 6 year old isn't to that stage yet.

Or... Your parents lose their jobs and at 16 you learn REALLY fast how to help support the family. That makes one learn how to provide and keep things going even in an extremely tight economy. Paying for groceries for the family of 4 with the child support I was getting from my dad, paying the gas and electric from my Burger King salary, and paying for my own everything... It's a hard lesson, but I sure am glad I had it...

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We teach our 8 year old there are two types of chores. There are some chores no one gets paid for like cleaning bedrooms, getting ready for bed and doing homework. The chores he does get paid for are cleaning up after the dogs, babysitting his sister when I need help and taking out trash/recycling. We keep a written tally of money he has earned and he has to do all of the math...

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I think it's important to give kids an allowance to teach them about finances, but I also think it's important for them to have some chores that are not tied to it so they know how important they are to the family and they can't just say, I don't want to do the dishes, and I don't care if I don't get paid...

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Your post was interesting and helpful. However, I do not believe household chores, especially routine ones, should be tied to an allowance. Taking care of your home is a responsibility everyone in a household must share. When they grow up and live on their own, no one will pay them to take care of their home.If you train them to expect to be paid for everything they do to help around the house, you're not preparing them for the real world...

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Research shows that children paid for chores actually help less in the home than those who aren't. I haven't found a perfect resolution between this and kids knowing that money is earned, but so far the idea of "these things you do because you are part of our family" and "these are extras that I would pay someone to do, it might as well be you" seems a good mix...

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My sister in law paid her boys (now age 19 and 21) to do chores when younger. As they got older, they refused to help without pay and got money from outside jobs. From this I learned to have my kids help as part of the family responsibility. You want to consider how all these plans will work once your kids get older as well.

In our family we believe being part of the family means doing some of the work to help out and sharing in the money that is our family money. I always thought if my husband or I lost a job or were unable to work and we could not pay allowances, we would still expect the family to work together. Chores are part of life. We did have times when children could earn extra money by doing a project...

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My daughter is six and loves to go grocery shopping with me. I started her collecting the coupons out of the paper (or where ever) and keeping them in an envelope. ONLY THE ITEMS WE NORMALLY BUY Then, when we go grocery shopping on Sunday, whatever she saves me in our total grocery bill, goes into her piggy bank. Works Great. I LOVE the fact that she is responsible, excited, and dependable on finding the coupons and we BOTH come out ahead !!!

My kids are 15 and 11 now, they began receiving allowance at grade school age. This is not tied to chores, chores are expected and no reward is given. Everyone in the family is expected to help around the house. Allowance is their spending money, so they aren't nickeling and diming me. I don't require they save a certain amount or give to charity, I don't see the point of "Here's $5 that you're required to give to charity" - they decide how to spend the money or if they want to save it...

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