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One of Those Days

by Bea of "Peanut Butter Hair"
Photo by: Shutterstock

Have you ever have one of those days? The kind of day when you wake up exhausted because your three year-old climbed into your bed at two in the morning, kicked you nonstop and then – less than four hours later – woke you up once and for all with the warm sensation of her wetting your bed?

You know, the day when the first sounds you hear are screaming and laughing because the toilet overflowed?

When you go downstairs to start packing lunches for school and find your kids smiling as they gobble the ‘healthy’ breakfast they made “all by themselves” and you are left to wonder if they’ve washed their hands from the toilet incident? (Their breakfast was cupcakes.)

Finally getting them dressed and wiping the icing off of their faces, you bundle them up, go to the garage and jump in the car…only to find that the garage door won’t open.

Overriding the garage door opener, you get in the car and realize that your five year-old doesn’t have shoes, so you go back INTO the house and spend more time you don’t have looking for them.

Officially WAY behind schedule, you run back out to the car in the freezing cold garage and climb in with four crazy sugar high kids. Putting the key in the ignition, you turn…aaaand nothing. Dead as a doornail. Four little monkeys suddenly become completely silent, with the exception of one tiny, “Oops.”

OOPS?! What does OOPS mean?”

“Sorry Mom. I came out to my seat last night to look for my backpack and I guess I forgot to turn the car lights off.”

Have you ever had one of those days when you have to call AAA and try to explain that your car needs to get a jump…IN your garage?

When the guy shows up and looks at you like you’re a moron (rightfully so), you immediately run back in the house to catch the phone that’s ringing.

Excited that the call is from the company you bought your washing machine from, you have a second of relief knowing that your washer is FINALLY going to get fixed after it exploded during the first week of January and you have been told each week since that they would come and fix it but they haven’t.

“Um, yes…hi Ma’am. We’re just callin’ to let you know that we’re not gonna be able to make it. It’s lookin’ like maybe by Friday we’ll be there. Sorry ’bout that and have a good day.”

Can you imagine what a house with six people and no laundry for a month looks like? Did I mention that our three year-old wet our bed last night? Did I?

Have you ever had one of those days when you don’t think you can take anymore and the day hasn’t really even begun yet? For me, I guess today is going to be one of THOSE days.

While we are on the subject, how has your day been so far?

Bea lives in North Carolina with her husband Adam and children Christian (8), Ethan (7), Preston (4) and Lauren Elizabeth (3). Read more amazing stories by Bea at Peanut Butter Hair.

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