Photo by: Arboresce

My Own Stages: A Mom's Look at Divorce

Photo by: Arboresce

While scanning the divorce section at the library, a punch in the gut memory comes to me. I’ve just gotten home from the same library, only this time I’m carrying my infant son and several parenting books. I only need to glance at a few of the back covers, where I see a male author grinning at me, to automatically hurl those books across the room. A quick peruse of a couple more, that state my baby should be sleeping through the night by now, get those books chucked as well. I make a vow right there and then to never trust a smiley-faced “expert” over myself when it comes to my life.

Six years later, I see there are still plenty of experts out there who will not only tell me how to get divorced, but how I should feel about doing so. From my quick scan, I glean that I am supposed to pass through three stages: denial, adjustment, and acceptance and that my children may become ill-adjusted adults who are unable to form healthy relationships. Once again, I have to trust myself over the “experts.” Since my separation in January, my son and daughter have not acted out nor disengaged with me, their father, their friends or any other people in their life. As for me, I’ve passed through many stages, none of them being the prescribed three. Here are a few of them.

Purging. Along with divorce, comes the need for change and I need it now. Any big idea that floats through my muddled brain is implemented immediately. Chopping off all of my hair, giving away half of my possessions, a service project in Guatemala, and dating a man twelve years younger than me are a few of these changes. The verdict is still out on which ones were actually good decisions.

Liberation. I love having the bed all to myself. I love having every other weekend to sleep in, see friends, and oh yes, date several men at the same time (yes, the young one is still included here). Freeing myself from my marriage allows me to feel more alive and present and I am sure I am a better mother for it. I believe I am the bravest, healthiest woman alive.

Turmoil. Sleeping alone sucks. Insomnia kicks in and with every 2:00 a.m. wake up comes an onset of fears. What if someone tries to break in? How am I going to afford being a single mom of two kids on my meager writer’s salary? Will I find love again? What if the hot water heater explodes right now and I have to go to the emergency hot water heater store, but the kids are sleeping and they have school tomorrow, so I can’t watch over them and also clean up the mess while ….

Mother’s little helpers. Along with Simply Sleep sleeping pills, I become very fond of gin, wine and chocolate.
3. I start to view the world in threes rather than fours. I set three plates every night for dinner. I am the third wheel when I stow away in the back of my friend’s car so I can accompany her and her husband on their date night. I am the third person in a world filled with twos and fours and it makes me feel as if I am missing a limb.

Stalker. Being alone takes it’s toll and I decide I need to talk to other women. Whenever someone mentions they are divorced, separated, or otherwise a single mom, I stalk them. The woman at Trader Joe’s who bags my groceries, my son’s teacher, and a woman who comes to one of my readings, are a few of the kind souls who finally submit to my pleas of joining me for a drink. Once I have them captive in my car, I say, “How can something that is so right be so hard? Why am I so confused?”

These women share their wisdom with me and continually reassure me that I am not only fine, my children are as well. Although I feel as if I am flailing and always rushing from one thing to the next, they remind me that I am still able to focus on what is important. My kids and I eat dinner together every night I have them, I still read to them before bed and cuddle, and am able to get them to and from school relatively on time. That we eat mac and cheese three nights in a row is arbitrary, what matters is we talk and laugh and make eye contact while eating the orange goo.

Yes, it is busy being the only adult in the home, but it has given me the chance to elicit the kid’s help. They set the table, make their own lunches, and get themselves ready in the morning. Rather than feeling burdened by these new responsibilities, my three and six-year-old are proud and squeal, “Look what I did Mama!”

And every hurdle I face, allows me to feel the same way. After mowing the lawn and fixing the overflowing toilet, I beam and say, “Look what I can do!”

Some days are messy and I know that will always be true. I do not expect to be perfect, nor do I expect my children to be so. I merely hope we can continue to grow and learn. I hope our lines of communication always remain open and that every day I make a connection, even if it’s brief, with both of my children. And whether we are laughing and dancing in the kitchen or crying and slamming doors, I know this is the stage we need to be in now.

Corbin Lewars ( is the author of the memoir Creating a Life (Catalyst Book Press, 2010) and the sexy mommy-lit book Swings (out for submission). She is the creator of the zine Reality Mom. She lives in Ballard with her two children.

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I'm directing this to Counsellor Shanna - Are you so sure the problems of teen anger are a result of a divorce or more the product of a bad, irrepairable marriage found in 2-parent households as well? And if you are in such a bad marriage, what might those choices be to try to bring more sanity and peace in a child's life?

Coming from an era in the past when fewer women divorced because of limited job skills I'd challenge you to see if similar issues of hate germinate because of the constant conflicts in a household. Children are influenced by their environment.

If your only choices as a child were to be in a household of constant fighting but 2 parents versus a household of one parent, stressed by taking on added responsibility without a partner but a home far more at peace and happiness, what would you choose?

Thank you, Beth!
It's hard enough dealing with all that comes with a divorce, and if you have any children, it's that much harder. Everyone wants what is best for their children, and sometimes it's just not in your control to do what you thought was best for them.
And likely, in regard to divorce, it's not the best situation for them to constantly be exposed to arguing and unhappy parents...

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Thank you for this article. If for nothing else for letting us know that every emotion, every feeling, everything that we experienced going through our seperations and divorces were normal. I have been divorced now for 5 years, by myself for 6 and every stage that you described not only did I go through but were personal experiences for me. Not only did I make it, I lived. My two children lived...

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I am the daughter of a divorced family. My mother left my father because she said she "never lived." Truthfully, she was having an affair with my father's worker. They later married, had two more children, and then he was murdered (another story). I have always resented my mother for her selfish behavior. I knew about it - all of it - as it happened. I was 10. I openly suffered from abandonment issues. As an adult, I went to therapy and worked out my issues...

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I am a technical divorce coach and teach How-to-Divorce classes (and I spend a lot of time on"should you divorce?"). When people decide to divorce, they do not fully understand the risks...

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thank you for writing this article! i can identify with everything you feel and i love your writing style. hang in there, friend!

After 7 years of an initial controlling, but finally emotionally and physically abusive relationship, I walked away from my husband and children's father. As the child of divorced parents, I knew what the problems and anguishes for me and them would be. But I felt staying in that type of relationship would be bad for both my son and my daughter who were 3 and 5 at the time...

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I am reading these posts and do not understand the comments that put down the woman who are divorced or going through a divorce . Why should any one stay any were if they are not happy . I am very much happly married to my husband and there is no plans to divorce . But my parents divorced and yes I was confused but I saw my mother grow and grow and become some one I was very proud to say she was my mom . I think if you stay in a unhappy relationship it hurts the children more then leaving ...

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Thank you for writing this. I got separated two years ago and divorced 1.5 years ago. At the time of separation my son was 5 months old. I'm afraid, he will grow up mentally disturbed. It did real good to read this. I'm usually someone who trusts my own guts, but every once in a while you have doubts. I just wanted to say to all those women out there, who said, that it's better to work through marriage or those who think, that it's both the man and the woman's fault, if you need to split up...

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Amen to Alina. (1/24/10)
Although I applaud the idea of divorce is not the end of your life...your children will not be required to be messed up---the article seemed so cavalier about major stuff. Sounded like teenage dating! I am divorced. I wished it wasn't that way---but it was the only way. I know my son still feels cheated out of a dad-even though he sees him weekly...

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After reading several posts, two things and a comment are clearly evident to me. 1. Women are EXTREMELY STRONG. I am amazed over and over again at the amount of strength women display on their journey through life - as sometimes the journey is not what was expected. 2. Situations are completely one's own. I cannot know what it is like to be in one's place. All I can do is my best to be LOVING. I have been through the pain and frustration of divorce with my own parents...

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Thank you for an awesome commentary! Life is full of changes and most of the time it is for the better.

Thanks Again

I am a recently divorced mother of a 5 and 3yr old that is against divorce. After a near death accident I was served papers 1 week after I got home from the hospital. I started counseling and pretty much he was in and out of it, but I continued because I felt I was bettering myself and if he followed great, but after 3 years of abusive relationship that threatened divorce every other week, I finally did it for him...

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Makes me curious what type of counselor you are Shanna because that's a pretty broad statement to make about children from divorce. I work with many people (who are married) who have children with substance abuse issues and who have made and are making very poor choices as teens. Divorced or not, as long as parents make their children feel valuable and as though they are extraordinary people then that's the best of all.

I am in the middle of trying to get to the point of a separation. Thank you for your post. I have a 5 and 4 Year old and it makes me feel better to know that as long as you can openly communicate, your kids will turn out JUST FINE. I tried to separate 7 months ago and decided to give it another try because of my kids being upset and crying that they missed their dad who left and went to another state, and me being scared about the financial aspect...

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