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How Was YOUR Day?

Photo by: iStock

Yesterday was ‘interesting’:

It almost killed me.

I found out that my cholesterol levels are so screwed-up that my blood probably makes concrete look like wine.
Lovely. The wine part.

my thyroid gland is almost kaput. No wonder I haven’t been able to lose much weight, which brings me to…

I have a dress to get into people!

I still have to complete the alter piece for our son’s wedding, which I am constructing in the room Ben stores all of his hunting/fishing equipment in, and, of which, he recently packed in the dark of the AM for a trip to some fancysmancy duck hunting killing event and was told later in the day that he looked very pretty with all the glitter on his waders.

both our dishwasher AND hot water tank- tanked. Perfect.

my housekeeper may be suffering from a nervous breakdown, which translates to ME suffering from her suffering.

I found out that one of my best friends has been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Holy Sh@#

our son had sinus surgery yesterday. In New York.
Without me there.

our foster son called to tell me he had gotten married the day before, and…

by the way, the bride is pregnant.

So now I’m feeling sharp pains in my chest and under my left arm, and my back aches.

If it’s not a heart attack, it means I need more wine.

At least there’s some kind of silver lining.

Cheryl Nicholl, a.k.a. Her Majesty, writes with satirical wit about the elegant decay of midlife on her award winning blog, A Pleasant House. When she’s not attending royal balls, bossing the serfs, or driving the King crazy, she can be found over-stating the obvious. It’s a gift. You can find her behind closed doors plotting world domination or at her blog A Pleasant House. You can also follow Cheryl on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Google+."

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