Photo by: Sean Dreilinger

Bedtime Battle: Children in Your Bed

by Keyona Hameed of "The New Norm"
Photo by: Sean Dreilinger

When I woke up this morning there was a little arm and little leg wrapped around me. Every now and then Lael creeps into my bedroom and slides under the covers. I don’t mind so much now as I did back when she was younger.

There’s a guy I work with who has a 6 month old son and we had an office discussion about the right time to move your baby to their own room.

Ok. So I thought he was arguing that his wife wanted the baby to stay in their room and he wanted him out. It was the other way around. It was him that could not sleep unless his “boy” was right there next to them in his pack ‘n play.

I joined in on the discussion and explained to him what happened to me.

Lael came home from the hospital and I had a Mozart playing, nightlight attached, vibrating bassinet. It was awesome. The problem? She couldn’t stand the damn thing. I would lay her on her back, swaddle her, prop her on her side. Nothing. She would only sleep right under my armpit. I admit it became easier to breastfeed that way but eventually she stopped breastfeeding.

When she was about 3 months I tried to move her to her crib. You know in the room that I painted, bordered, hung stuff and overall made it the best looking room in the house. Nothing. She wasn’t having it. I couldn’t even get her to nap in the crib.

She turned 1. Still sleeping with us. She turned 2. Still slept with us. She turned 3 and my husband stopped sleeping in the bed because it drove him insane.

I bought her a toddler bed and put it on my side of the bed hoping to get her to sleep in her pretty pink Dora bed and eventually move her to her newly decorated room. You know? The one she NEVER slept in. Nothing.

So it began right before her 4th birthday. I had finally gotten fed up. By this time I gave away the toddler bed and bought her a twin bed and redecorated our third bedroom. Dora comforter, Dora border, Nightlight, the works. Nothing.

But this time I wasn’t giving in to her. I spent a week. I mean a whole 7 days breaking her free from my bed. It was torture. I had to get up every hour to walk her back to her bed. By the second day she would stay in her bed but scream for me. Not the ahhhhh type of scream, but the what-the-%*#&-are-you-doing-to-me" type of scream.

It hurt me so bad. I knew it was my fault because I should have done it earlier. She would scream and cry “I just want you mommy!” and I would sit outside her bedroom door crying. It pained me to put her through this.

But eventually it was over. She slept. By the second week she would go through changes to keep me in her room longer during story time but in the end she would stay in her room all night.

Even now as she will be turning 6 soon she still has relapses. When she gets sick and I let her sleep with me for a day or two she will start waking up every night coming into my room and I have to fuss at her all over again.

So this morning wasn’t just me waking up with my baby in my bed. But instead the end of a battle that I know I will win in the end.

That is until I have my next child. Sigh

Keyona has been Active Duty in the Air Force for 10 years. She is a mom to a 5 year old girl, and a step mom to a 7 year old girl. She is married to her best friend. She is easy to get along with, silly, forgetful, and proud to be a mom. Keyona is happy to share a piece of my life.

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I haven't done this before so this comment is probably way to long. Sorry. When my wife and I had a baby boy, he was madder than all get out for nights on end when he was put down to sleep. The pediatrician told us just to let him rage [my word], and that he would eventually get used to being by himself at night and calm down. Of course, he didn't and it didn't seem right to us. We (Mom especially) couldn't let him seem to suffer so (He was a cholicky - how DOES one spell that?)...

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Our daughter slept with us until she was 7 and now I have to lay down with her in her bedroom until she goes to sleep. But that usually ends up in me waking up in the middle of the night and going to my bed. Anyway, what I am saying is do whatever works for your family and if you have a well-adjusted child with good self-esteem, don't worry about what the so-called "experts" say! Just LOVE them and train them up in the way they should go and when they grow old, they will not depart from it...

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I have a 4 yr old boy who even though he has his own bed almost every morning around 4am he climbs into my bed. Sometimes I put him back in his bed, other times I just let him stay because its hard for me to go back to sleep. I doesn't give me any trouble if I make him go back in his bed. I think it's just a security thing that they will grow out of.

I am guilty too with sharing my bed with my children. My children both slept with my husband and I when they were infants. I loved it, because waking up in the middle of the night was easier to breastfeed. If I would breastfeed in the rocking chair, I had the habit of falling asleep in the rocking chair while I breastfed, and I felt safer in bed because I feared I would drop my baby in the rocking chair...

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I love Sam's comment above. My son (14 mos) and I have slept together since his birth. He nurses periodically throughout the night, naps in his crib during the day no problem and sleeps in his crib at night until about 11pm when we both get into bed. I believe that "crying it out" causes babies stress and is harmful to them psychologically and physiologically...

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I'm a co-sleeping mom who LOVES it. Although there are downfalls to her sleeping in our bed, I agree with the moms that feel that if they are well behaved, confident, happy, healthy babies/toddlers/children, then what the hey. I was never able to let her cry it out. As much as the older generation of our families would push for me to put her down and let her cry, she's mine and I don't agree with that. My daughter had colic, reflux and has a very intense personality...

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Do what works at YOUR house should be the main rule! For me that's co-sleeping, maybe it's easier for me because I'm a single mom so all I have to consider is Isaac and I. But there is NO reason to feel guilty about co-sleeping if it's what works for you!

My daughter slept with me from birth - 5 months went to her crib untill 3 years (she loved her crib) tried the toddler bed she did not want it, slept with me. She is now 5 and still sleeps with me which i have no problem with. I put her in bed at 6:30 no fuss, she goes right to sleep. As long as they can fall asleep on their own or as the Doctors say can soothe/entertain them selves thats what matters...

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Hi, We've always co-slept... me, my hubby and our two little girls. I wouldn't have it any other way, even though the bed gets crowded. I believe the little ones will let me know when they're ready for their own rooms... tomorrow or in a year or more. To me it's just part of parenting.

hi. i have a 5 yr old and a 16 month old. the 5 yr old loved to be in bed with us. didn't have a problem with it. then when we started to move him to his own bed/crib it was tough. i would lay on his floor till he went to sleep which meant i went to sleep also. every now and again he will still crawl into bed with us. i am a light sleeper so i know when he comes into our bedroom. my 16month old has NEVER wanted to sleep in the same bed as us...

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