Photo by: Talya Stone

10 things I Want My Three Year Old Daughter To Know

Photo by: Talya Stone

Just as soon as she popped out, turned one, then two, in what seems to be a blink of an eye my little girl has turned three. If I could freeze this moment right now, I would, a thousand times over. But because I can’t, here are 10 things I want my three year old daughter to know now she is, well, three.

To E….

1. I still remember that moment you came out of me like it was yesterday, that incredible moment of clarity of looking down and seeing this tiny blood-stained entity on my chest, crying the gentlest cry on the earth.

2. Our connection is now stronger than it has ever been. When I look into your eyes it is like our souls are entwined and my heart wants to explode.

3. The terrible twos were indeed terrible at times, but I understand now why they were – your frustrations, a mismatch of expectations…but however testing they were – and I am sorry for my misdemeanours in this time – I know now that they really were all worth it because out of it, you have emerged the most wonderful girl.

4. You are the most incredible mix of everything – although quite clearly a girl, I am proud of your rough and tumble tendencies – I love how you are so gung-ho and out there now that you have grown into your own.

5. Now is the time to start being strong – as you begin to interact more with the wider world, I will try in every way possible to build you up to be the strong little girl you need to be in this day and age, and to give you the tools to deal with the unkindnesses and injustices of this world.

6. I will always make time for you – I realise now how fast you are growing, and within a blink of an eye you will be a teenage girl pushing away from me. I realise now is the time to play, now is the time to cuddle, and I will always try to fill your emotional cup up as best I can now – not later.

7. I love that we can talk – your conversation delights me, your curious mind continues to spiral and flourish as you seek out the discovery in this world. I love that we can talk about our feelings, thoughts and emotions. I love that you can show empathy – it melts my heart every time.

8. I have never loved you more than in this moment – we have been through so much together, we have shared so much together, and I finally feel that I am beginning to get to know you – really know you – and it blows me away every single day. I love the person that you are.

9. I continue to marvel at all your firsts and there have been so many of late, and I know there will be so many more. From your first bicycle ride, to spelling your name out loud, to jumping into the swimming pool all by yourself, and counting on your fingers, I have the best front row seats to the more magical show in the world.

10. Being a parent is not easy but it is all of these priceless moments, these connections, these realisations that always make me want to do the best I can for you. All I can do is give this my best shot, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.

My love always,

Mama xxx

Do you have a three year old in the family? What would you like to tell them?

Motherhood: The Real Deal is run by Talya, a mum to a very intense, amazing little toddler gal who most of the time specializes in driving her round the bend. Having given up the working mum role when she hit 12 months (she was the co-founder and Editor-in-Chief for an online lifestyle platform) she’s sat on both sides of the fence as a working and then stay-at-home mum and like many, has grappled with the issues which come hand in hand with both scenarios. You can follow Talya on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

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