School Vacations: Target

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20 answers

Summer Homework Pack from School ??

My duaghter is in kindergarden. She brought home a flyer from school for a summer homework pack. It has 9 weeks of lessons and you send the lessons back to be graded. The want $59 for this pack. I havent seen it.. but it is supposed to contain math and language work. Would you buy this pack for your child? I think the price seems a bit high. I can buy lots of workbooks and paper for $59. I do plan on doing a bit of school work most days in the summer.. Maybe 20 minutes of language or math.. I always read to my kids for 20 minutes...

Summer School

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6 answers

Summer School Teacher Gifts?

Ideas for the summer school teachers? He had three and they are wrapping up six weeks of summer school and I think they deserve something for their hard work.