Medications: A&D

8 answers

Is It Ok to Use Diaper Rash Ointment like A&D on Flea Bites on the Face?

Im a first time mom and i have 3 dogs and this is the first time I have came across a flea problem with any of my dogs. My 4 month old has tons of bites all over her cheeks, chin and eyelids. All I have in my house to use right now is A&D ointment and hydrocortisone that is 1% would either of these be ok to put on the bites? well besides the ones on her eyelids

Natural & Homeopathic

4 answers

Strange and Kind of Embarassing Medical Mystery

Hi ladies, so I'm not usually bashful, but I have a sort of medical mystery going on downstairs in my female parts. No, I have not made an appointment to see my doctor yet, as I'm not sure what to book the appointment for... so here goes...(gulp) clitoris has sort of disappeared. I know...WHAT?!'re thinking to yourself. I feel I have a pretty normal anatomy, nothing overly small or large, however, for a few weeks now, it is like the skin that covers the clitoris has folded over it and grown shut. I feel embarassed asking, but...

Over the Counter (OTC)

See all 405 articles
8 answers

Severe Diaper Rash

My 10 month old has really bad diaper rash. I have always A&D and it has worked in the past. It's really starting to hurt her and I feel horrible. Does anybody have any suggestions? Thanks.


See all 439 articles
16 answers

Diaper Rash A&D?

Anything work better than A&D for a diaper rash? I can't seem to get rid of it.


Severe Diaper Rash

My 10 month old has really bad diaper rash. I have always A&D and it has...