Healthcare Providers: Toddler, Sam's Club

9 answers

Need Cheaper Prescriptions

I have insurance that I purchase privately because my husband and I are both self-employed, but the drug insurance part of it is really bad. You get $30 off prescriptions. Unfortunately, one of the prescription that my daughter takes off and on (not anywhere near a regular basis) is not covered at all because I was honest and put it down on the forms when filling them out. Anyway, my daughter was just prescribed Prevecid as an acid blocker. With my insurance, it's still $138. I guess there isn't a generic for it or it's not on the list that...


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13 answers

Sam's Club Brand Diapers

Does anyone know if Sam's Club brand diapers contain dye on the inside of the diaper?? My daughter is allergic to the dye they use in diapers and Giant Eagle discontinued their dye-free diaper (it now has a Clifford design on it along with "pretty" dye on the inside). There are a few others I know of like 7th Generation, but they are quite pricey. Thanks for your help!


Sam's Club Formula

I have an 11 week old formula fed baby.(I was not able to breastfed as I...